Pavel Kurfürst Ústav cizích jazyků Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci Institute of Foreign Languages Faculty of Medicine Palacký University in Olomouc
The Birth of a Webpage 5th National and International MSATE Conference Zlín, 7 – 9 September 2001
7Feedback 6Promotion 5Publishing 4Creating the Page 3Software Needed 2Hardware Equipment 1Making the Decision Seven Steps to Creating a Webpage
A Webpage is for Life, Not Just for Christmas. Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Webpages
Step 1: Making the Decision olong-term commitment ocontents of the page? opotential readers? otime spent?
Step 2: Hardware Equipment oaverage standard computer odirect access to the internet oscanner etc.
Step 3: Software Needed owebpage editor ointernet browser – several types* oFTP client* ographic / image / photo editor* * not necessarily
Software Needed owebpage editor MS FrontPage (98, 2000) MS FrontPage Express MS Word 2000 Netscape Composer (Communicator 4.x) HomeSite, 1-4-ALL, Constructor 98, FlexED, HE!, Web Edit Pro, Web Elite…
MS FrontPage (98, 2000) MS Office application WYSIWYG* FTP client included extensive possibilities English license - expensive *WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get x HTML editors
MS FrontPage Express MS Office application WYSIWYG freeware English limited possibilities FTP client needed
MS Word 2000 CZ commonly used WYSIWYG English / Czech license - expensive limited possibilities FTP client needed
Netscape Composer (Communicator 4.x) WYSIWYG freeware English limited possibilities FTP client needed
Software Needed ointernet browser MS Internet Explorer 5.x (72 %*) MS Internet Explorer 4.x (18 %*) Netscape Navigator (Communicator 4.x) (7%*) *statistics: –
Software Needed oFTP client WS FTP CuteFTP Windows Commander other ways of transferring files (according to the host server requirements) part of the editor (FrontPage) *FTP = File Transfer Protocol
Step 4: Creating the Page ostart with simple structure (homepage + several links to other pages) osimple layout and graphics ocheck the result (function, compatibility etc.)
Step 5: Publishing ohost server space – not much (several MB) university / school server – free internet provider – free ”free hosting“ (advertisements) paid hosting ofile transfer – directly / FTP client
Step 6: Promotion oaddress long unattractive strange symbols diffilcult to remember problems with changing the hosting site
Promotion oaddress buying own redirection – oby word of mouth o s, envelopes, letters, business cards ointernet ads and banners, spams obillboards, t-shirts, media, hot-air baloons…
Promotion oInternet catalogues and search engines Seznam, Atlas, Centrum, Zmije – Quick, Redbox, iDNES –, Katedrála… paid registration
Step 7: Feedback oby word of mouth o s owebpage counter oservers providing statistical analysis e.g.
free service number of visits daily / monthly / yearly most visited days / hours used OS, browsers visitors’ details (where from, IP address, time etc.) graphs, charts, category comparison daily ed summarsy (*.zip) Czech Republic only (.cz)