Trade Facilitation – Impossible without Facilitating Logistics Contribution by the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) COLIN BEAUMONT 2008 WTO Public Forum Geneva, 25 September 2008
TRADING INTO THE FUTURE What is FIATA? Freight Forwarders and Logistics suppliers 150 Countries International Forum Industry Policy
TRADING INTO THE FUTURE What are the Drivers for Logistics? Customer demand Available products Acceptable cost Reliability
TRADING INTO THE FUTURE What do shippers want? Predictability Reliable Transit Times Stable Prices Predictable Prices
TRADING INTO THE FUTURE What prevents predictability? Shippers themselves External influences Complex supply chains
TRADING INTO THE FUTURE What are the barriers to Supply Chain fulfilment? IT Standards Bureaucratic Processes Criminal Activity
TRADING INTO THE FUTURE What are the barriers to Supply Chain fulfilment? Protectionism Inadequate Infrastructure Lack of Training
TRADING INTO THE FUTURE Can we make any short term gains? Trade Facilitation Training Improved Productivity Better Understanding