Classic Data Access Training OPC Classic Compliance Test Tool Introduction to the OPC Compliance Test for OPC Classic Server Testing Press SPACE to advance through the slides.
Introduction Familiarization of User Interface Finding Help Test Tool Configuration Testing & Debugging Next Steps OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Contents
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Introduction (1 of 3) What is it?OPC Compliance Test Tool (CTT) is designed to test a Classic OPC Server for compliance. Where is it? Who can get it?OPC Foundation Corporate Members What is tested?Classic OPC Servers Coverage?DA 2.05a, DA 3.0, Historical Data Access 1.20, XML Data Access 1.01, and Alarm & Events /19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation3 OPC Compliance Test tool Your Classic DA Server You Easy to use? Yes, once you’ve learned the basics.
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Introduction (2 of 3) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation4 How it works:Each Method is tested by invoking specific calls that: a. are expected to pass and/or return specific results b. are expected to fail and/or return specific results c. multiple parameter combinations to check behavior d. validates behavior matches the OPC specifications Test authors?Compliance Working Group (cmpwg)
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Introduction (3 of 3) How do I pass?Your product must pass all tests in all selected Interfaces Am I Certified?Passing the CTT does not mean you are certified by the OPC Foundation. It means that your product is ready for certification in a Test Lab. CTT used in Lab?Yes, test-labs use the current release version(s). Use CTT When?The best time is during product development. All Classic products must pass the CTT prior to release. Additional Help:A complete user guide is provided with the CTT. 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation5
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Launching OPC Compliance Test (1 of 1) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation 6 Windows Vista/7: Start > All Programs > OPC Foundation > Compliance Test 2.00> OPC Compliance Test Windows 8: Start > OPC Compliance Test (CTT)
There is (by default) 1 “widget” to the left in the CTT: Browse tree: a list of test sections listing OPC interfaces and test cases. OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Familiarization (1 of 2) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation7 Test Sections OPC Interfaces Test Cases
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Familiarization (2 of 2) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation8 There are (by default) 2 “widgets” to the right: Test results: shows the test results of each test-case Documentation and Help: provides details of OPC Interfaces and Methods
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Finding Help (1 of 1) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation9 Complete documentation is available from the Contents option in the “?” menu. Documentation includes a user-guide and other useful testing tips.
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Test Tool Configuration (1 of 4 ) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation10 First, select the Compliance Test Type from the “options” tab in the Extras menu. OPC Interfaces and test cases in the browse tree will be updated. The remaining settings will vary depending on the Compliance Test Type selected. We will concentrate on Data Access 2.05a and 3.0 server settings in this tutorial
Test Settings for Data Access 2.05a and 3.0 Server are the same; the only difference is the supported interfaces. To open the Test Settings window select “start” from the Compliance Test menu, or “Test Settings” option in the Extras Menu. OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Test Tool Configuration (2 of 4) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation11 Option to browse available servers on the local or remote machine Select the OPC Server you want to test Or…
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Test Tool Configuration (3 of 4) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation12 There are (by default) 4 widgets in the “Test Items” option. Select Item(s): Manually select items using the integrated Item Browser Import (csv): Import items from a *.CSV file Export (csv): Export items to a *.CSV for future use Remove Selected Item(s): Remove the selected items in the list
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Test Tool Configuration (4 of 4) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation13 Other settings have default values which you can modify, if you prefer. Click OK to apply the changes
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Testing & Debugging (1 of 3) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation14 Select “Start” from the Compliance Test menu; configure the Server and Items. By default, the Compliance Test option runs all test cases listed in the Browse Tree.
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Testing & Debugging (1 of 3) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation15 Wait, while the automated testing is conducted. This can take a while, depending on the CTT configuration and # of tests selected. Test progress bar, may take several minutes to complete all testing
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Testing & Debugging (4 of 4) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation16 To run individual interfaces or test cases use the Debug Test option. You can Activate or Deactivate test suites or test-cases, and you can Add Breakpoints on any test to interrupt test execution, which is helpful during product development. Right click for context- sensitive menu options
With tests activated/deactivated or if you have set Breakpoints then ; click Start from the Debug Test menu… OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Testing & Debugging (2 of 3) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation17 1. Specify the Server connection 2. Specify the Items for testing with
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Testing & Debugging (5 of 5) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation18 After a test-run, a summary report is generated indicating the result of the overall test. Individual interfaces/test case results are displayed in the Test Result widget by selecting the interface from the browse tree.
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Testing & Debugging (5 of 5) 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation19 The test results are shown here: Results Tab Summary report of the test conducted Results of the individual Interfaces
OPC Compliance Test Training - Server Next Steps… Once your Classic DA Server passes all applicable CTT tests: Conduct Interoperability Testing Conduct Behavior Testing Conduct Resource-efficiency Testing Interoperability, Behavior and Resource-efficiency testing details are available here: Request Certification in the Test Lab: 4/19/2012© 2012 OPC Foundation20
Download: Certification: Lab Testing: Bug Tracker: Contact: OPC Compliance Test Training - Server The End!