Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust Edmond Smithers Foundation Training Programme Director
Multiple Sites Queens Queens Hospital, Romford, East London 4 miles inside M25 800 bed acute site Opened December 2006. Car access via A12,on site parking Train from Liverpool street station, 20 minutes 39 Foundation year 1 rotations 30 Foundation year 2 rotations
Multiple sites King George’s King George’s Hospital, Ilford, East London 10 miles inside M25 550 bed acute hospital Opened 1993 Car access via A12, on site parking Train access via Liverpool Street Station, 20 minutes 20 Foundation Year 1 rotations 27 Foundation year 2 rotations
Foundation Rotations 59 Foundation year 1 jobs 18 Foundation year 1 and 2 jobs Surgery/Medicine/Emergency Medicine Obstetrics/Gynaecology Paediatrics/General practice Critical Care/Anaesthetics Neurology Neurosurgery
Foundation Rotations Surgery Urology Vascular Surgery Breast Surgery Orthopaedics and trauma Ear Nose and Throat Surgery General Surgery Upper and Lower Gastro-Intestinal Surgery Neurosurgery
Foundation Rotations Medicine Respiratory Medicine Cardiology Care of the Elderly Medicine Renal Medicine Neurology Endocrinology Stroke Medicine Gastroenterology
Services Queens Emergency Department, >100,000 patients per annum Tertiary referral centre for cancer services BHRUT treats more cancer than any other trust in North East London Tertiary referral centre for neurosciences, neurosurgery for London and Essex, 12 bedded neurocritical care area
Trust Services Hyperacute stroke unit, Designated Major Trauma centre with helipad Maternity services for high risk pregnancy Centre for vascular surgery Centre for upper gastro-intestinal surgery
Accommodation Available at Queens/King Georges Managed by private companies On site at King George’s, Off site at Queens, 2 minute walk, Commute
Training Resources 2 libraries, Queens, King George’s 24 hour access, Computers, wi-fi capability Scanner for documents Training, Clinical Skills Facility Simulation centre due to open this Summer E-portfolio
Training Support Clinical supervisor for each four month rotation 40 Educational supervisor 4 Foundation training programme directors Caroline Curtin, Manager for medical education Professor Alcolado, Director of Medical Education, Dr.Maurice Smith, Associate Director of Medical Education Doctors in difficulty
Training Foundation Year 1 Formal teaching each week Wednesday 13.00-14.30 Lunch provided at 12.30 Mandatory attendance Bleep free Lectures are Clinical and non clinical, mapped to curriculum Opportunities to teach medical students/ healthcare workers/ certificates provided
Training Foundation Year 2 Minimum of 10 formal days per year All day Bleep free Mandatory Lunch provided Opportunities to teach foundation year 1 Doctors and medical students/ allied healthcare workers, certificates provided
Human Resource factors All jobs are Ewtd compliant No night work during Foundation year 1 Some Foundation year 2 jobs have no night work Some Foundation year 2 jobs have neither weekend nor night work
Pay FY1 KGH General Medicine = 1B 40% FY1 QH General Medicine = 1A 50% FY1 KGH General Surgery = 1A 50% FY1 QH General Surgery = 1A 50% FY1 QH Anaesthetics = No Banding FY1 KGH Urology = 1B 40% FY1 QH Obstetrics & Gynae = 1A 50%
Pay Salary: April 2010 pay scales, FY1 Salary £22,412, this will increase in April 2011. FY1 London Weighting = £2,162 pa For any other information regarding salary or banding issues please contact Jane Bearman, Team Leader, Medical Personnel on 01708 435 397.