The book of Acts
Table of Contents The book of Acts From Jews to Gentiles Paul at the heart of the controversy Diversity in ICF Arguments within the book of Acts Arguments outside of Acts Lessons to learn
The book of Acts
Luke’s gospel part 2 “ so that you might know the certainty of the things you have been taught ”
From Jerusalem to Rome
Arguments within Acts I The words of the Lord Jesus in acts 1:8 The miracle at Pentecost (Peter - acts 2) Philip to Samaria (Peter & John - acts 8) Philip & the Ethiopian – acts 8
Arguments within Acts II Peter & Cornelius – acts 10 & 11 Barnabas brought Paul to the church - acts 9 Barnabas brought Paul to Antioch - acts 11 Paul & Barnabas consulted Jerusalem – acts 15
Arguments within Acts III Paul was an apostle as shown in Ephesus – acts 19 The success of the missionary journeys The persecutions of Christians by Jews
Conclusions from Acts Other leaders were involved Paul had consulted with them The Holy Spirit led the way
Arguments outside Acts The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep – John 10:11 Peter accepts the new Christians – 1 Pt 1:1-2 Peter supports Paul – 2 Pt 3:14-16 God is our Creator
John 10 “ The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep ”
Arguments outside Acts The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep – John 10:11 Peter accepts the new Christians – 1 Pt 1:1-2 Peter supports Paul – 2 Pt 3:14-16 God is our Creator
Lessons for me Some things (never) change! I must accept diversity as God-given I must have an open mind towards new kids on the block I must be willing to suffer for the realisation of God’s work