SALAT 5 times a day In the hadith of the “Night Journey and Ascent to Heaven” Muhammad goes to the 7 th heaven and receives the command regarding prayer. Term is the same as צלותא
God, forgive me and have mercy upon me and guide me and give me health and strength and sustenance
Some prayers from Posture 8 omitted
Prayer Timings & Raka'as (Units) Salat PrayerTiming Fardh (Obliga tory) Sunnah Raka'a s (Units) Before Fardh After Fardh Fajr (Morning)Between the very beginning of dawn and sunrise22None Dhuhr (Noon)Between the declining of the sun & Asr442 Asr (Late Afternoon) It starts when the shadow of an object is equivalent to its height until (just before) the sunset; whereas in the Hanafi method it starts when the shadow of an object is twice its height until (just before) the sunset 4None Maghrib (Evening) Soon after the sunset until the disappearance of the twilight 3None2 Isha (Night) After the disappearance of the twilight until midnight 4None 2 Also prayer (Witr) after Ishaa 3 The above table contains only Fard, Witr and emphasized Sunnah (Sunnah Muakkadah) prayers.
ZAKAT زكوة Term is the same as זכות Sadaqa is used for “extra” alms. Can be given to any deserving poor (not only Muslim).
ZAKAT CALCULATION In order to calculate your zakat, please fill all of the fields. Please note that Women’s jewelry is not subject to Zakat unless its amount is excessive or the jewelry is not being used. 1. Cash on hand and in bank accounts (savings, checking) 2. Refundable deposits (e.g. on rented apartment) 3. Non-delinquent loans (money you loaned to others) 4. Expected Tax refund 5. Gold and its certificate 6. Shares, stocks, bonds, IRA, pension plans, options, etc. 7. Business cash on hand and in banks plus invoices due. 8. Business inventory Enter $0 if less than Nisab. 9. Net income you are entitled to as of Zakat due date. 10. Your liabilities
SIX BELIEFS God Angels Prophets Books Judgment Divine Power and Determination
CONCLUSIONS Many practices are “continuous” with those of Judaism Pilgrimage has many features of Shalosh Regalim. Ramadan comes inexhorably like the Sabbath. Prayer, alms, and “testimony” have points of contact. As in Judaism and any other system, the basic rituals inculcate central beliefs, shape patterns of behaving to confirm them,and build a sense of belonging— identity as part of a group committed to those beliefs.
THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE QUR'AN In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate! Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the Worlds. The All Merciful, the Compassionate, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee only do we serve, to Thee alone do we pray for help. Guide us on the Straight Path. The Path of those whom Thou has graced; not of those against whom Thou art wrathful, nor of those who are astray.