The life of Gurshon “Gus” Cohen By Dylan Young
Prologue Gus Cohen was a third class passenger aboard the Titanic. He was originally going to ride aboard the Adriatic, but because of the coal strike he got transferred to the Titanic instead.
April 15, 1913 It is the 1 st anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. I still think its crazy I jumped 60 feet into the freezing water. I am scarred for life. I remember when I was in the lifeboat, looking back at the Titanic. The stern of the Titanic sticking out of the water, it was almost like a hand reaching out at you for help. There were babies crying and lots of people screaming, it really was a massacre.
April 16, 1913 I am finally in New York city. Now I have a job as a cloth buyer. I am disappointed with the city. It is just not as grand as I thought it would be. One thing I would like to do once I get my hands on a lot of money would be to buy one of those automobiles.
April 17,1912 My wife is a lot more cheerful than I am because she says there a lot of things to do in the city, but of course I am at work all day selling cloth from the side of one of the main roads. Cloth is an expensive product so I don’t make a whole lot of money but just enough to take care of me and my wife. Cloth
June 29, 1913 I am sorry I have not written for over a year now. I have saved up a lot of my money and bought an automobile. I have been carried away driving all over. I have driven all around this wonderful country with my wife and have forgotten to write. Once you get out of the hustle and bustle of the city, it is beautiful.
July 4, 1913 Wow I can’t believe that I am forgetting to write, the days just fly by. I hear rumors about a enormous building being built here in the next years, but of course those are just rumors. It is crazy how fast this city progresses with all of these buildings and “Skyscrapers” being built. Today is also “Independence Day”, it apparently was when the United States gained independence from England.
July 30, 1914 This week there has been a lot of argument about the war with Germany. They call it World War I since there are a lot of countrys involved. I have thought about it long and hard, and decided to serve my country and go to war. Even if I survive this will be my last entry. I will leave tomorrow. My wife is very upset and has been begging me not to leave but I feel that I need to.
Bibiliography Works Cited Behe, George, Phillip Gowam, and Rob Ottmers. "Mr Gurshon "Gus" Cohen." Encyclopedia Titanica : Titanic Facts, Survivors Stories, Passenger and Crew Biography and Titanic History. Encyclopedia Titanica, Web. 30 Nov "Discovery - On Board The Titanic." Discovery Channel : Science, History, Space, Tech, Sharks, News! Discovery Communications Inc., Web. 02 Dec Tan, Francis. "Titanic Sinking to Be Tweeted in Real-time - The Next Web." The Next Web - International Technology News, Business & Culture. 15 Apr Web. 12 Dec "Unseen Collection of WW1 Pictures: In the Trenches -" News Headlines, Celebs and Football - Web. 12 Dec