Improving the lives of older Americans Helping Medicare Beneficiaries Get the Most out of Prevention Linking to the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization National Council on Aging NCOAs Mission To improve the lives of older Americans. Who We Are NCOA is a non-profit service and advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. NCOA Core Values Social and Economic Justice Respect and Caring Innovation Integrity and Excellence
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization National Council on Aging What We Do NCOA is a national voice for older adultsespecially those who are vulnerable and disadvantagedand the community organizations that serve them. NCOA brings together non-profit organizations, businesses and government to develop creative solutions that improve the lives of all older adults. NCOA works with thousands of organizations across the country to help seniors live independently, find jobs and benefits, improve their health, live independently and remain active in their communities
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) developed in the early 1990s by the Stanford University This gold standard of evidence-based disease prevention programs has been able to duplicate clinical trial results in a variety of settings, populations, and chronic conditions. Now used internationally in 23 countries and over 46 U.S. states, DC and Puerto Rico. Provides knowledge and skills for individuals to take a more active role in their own health.
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization CDSMP is.. A low cost or no cost tool and resource you could link Medicare beneficiaries to that would improve their quality of life A proven evidence-based program supported by AoA and CDC, most recently through Recovery Act grants A strategy to help beneficiaries manage their medications and their health conditions
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Chronic Disease is an Epidemic of Unparalleled Proportions More than 1.7 million Americans die of a chronic disease each year. 80% of older adults have at least one chronic condition; 50% at least two. Greater prevalence among minority populations 95% of health care spending for older adults attributed to chronic conditions Four chronic diseasesheart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes cause almost two-thirds of all deaths each year.
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization CDSMP Workshops Small group workshop of people helps people of all ages with chronic conditions and their caregivers: o Improve/increase healthy behaviors o Use tools and strategies to manage long-term conditions o Feel better o Spend less days in hospitals, emergency rooms and have fewer doctor visits Workshop topics include: o Exercise and nutrition o Medication usage o Stress management o Talking with your doctor o Dealing with emotions and depression
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Results for Participants Workshops help participants regain control of their life and do the things that matter to them. People feel calmer, less worried and more confident about managing their health. Participants report they have energy to do more and get relief from pain, fatigue and other symptoms. Workshops are held in AAAs, senior centers, other community settings NCOA has an online version, Better Choices, Better Health Insurers/health plans are offering program to their patients Grant-funded pilots in CA, HI, IA, MA, ME, NJ and OR Now available nationwide
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Where AoA Supported Workshops are Held
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization CDSMP Reach Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs reaching more than 69,000 older adults
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Adoption of Evidence Based Programs Supported by the Administration on Aging Years of Growth communities communities states states states, DC, & Puerto Rico
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Recovery Act CDSMP Grant Progress* 40,313 participants and 29,771 completers 3,669 workshops at 2,685 sites Average age 67 years; 22.3% males; 68% Whites, 20.2% African Americans; 17.6% Hispanics 58.9% more than one chronic condition Hypertension 41.5% Arthritis 40.3% Diabetes 29.5% *As of May 18, 2011
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Working Together Benefits Counselors (MIPPA Grantees and Benefits Enrollment Centers at AAAs, ADRC, CILs, SHIPs and more) and CDSMP: o Can engage in mutual referrals and cross communications – CDSMP is particularly relevant to the new provisions for a wellness visit and prevention plan for Medicare beneficiaries Ask your states CDSMP coordinator to do a presentation at an in-service training for benefits counselors to talk about CDSMP Include information about CDSMP in Medicare related presentations, outreach events, at health fairs and in written information Inform your partners – such as Federally Qualified Health Centers –about CDSMP
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Working Together.. Revise protocols for telephone contacts with consumers and family members. Consider adding a couple of questions: Do you have a long term condition such as arthritis, heart disease or diabetes that impacts your life? Are you worried or concerned you might fall? (YES/NO) As a result of this concern, have you stopped doing some of the things you used to do or like to do? (YES/NO) Refer appropriate callers to CDSMP coordinator for class schedules
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Example: New Jersey Flyer Take Control of Your Health Youve chosen your Medicare Part D Plan Now learn how to work with your doctor to get the best results through our 6-week workshop on Chronic Disease Self Management You will learn how to: Determine the purpose of medications Understand the effects of your medication Take responsibility for medication use Evaluate your medical treatment Communicate with your doctors Call now to enroll in a workshop – Name and phone #
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Resources A 2011 report entitled, Enhancing Use of Clinical Preventive Services Among Older Adults: Closing the Gap, published jointly by CDC, AoA, and AHRQ, reviews interventions to increase awareness and use of preventive services, particularly in diverse communities: Services_Closing_the_Gap_Report.pdf Services_Closing_the_Gap_Report.pdf For more information about the Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP) and other Evidence Based Programs for Disease and Disability Prevention: For the CDSMP AoA-funded contact in your state:
© National Council on Aging A nonprofit service and advocacy organization Presenters Mary Walsh, Senior Program Associate National Council on Aging, Center for Healthy Aging (207) (207) Abigail Morgan US Administration on Aging (202) Patrick Adams, Manager - Community Programs Office of Elder Services, Augusta, Maine Phone: (207)