Product Safety Engineering TC12, May 2009 Ecma/TC12/2009/011 From: Incident-based Product-specific Construction-based Reactive To: Hazard-based Technology-independent Performance-based Proactive
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: TC12 Incident Based Safety engineering Incident happens Patch construction that avoids incident or mitigates undesired results Measure effectiveness Construction Effective? no yes Analyse incident Standardise construction
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: TC12 Hazard Based Safety Engineering 2) Hazardous Energy Source 6) Safeguarded Body Part 4),5) Potentially Safeguarded Body Part 4), 5) Safeguard by Preventing, deflecting and/or attenuating Hazardous energy flow 3) Potentially Harmed Body Part 3) Energy Transfer Mechanism 1)Energy source Identify Energy source Is source Hazardous? Identify Means by which Energy source can be Transferred to a body part Design safeguard that prevents transfer Measure effectiveness Safeguard Effective? done no yes