Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: NFC protocol arrangement ISO/IEC ECMA-352 (NFCIP-2)ECMA-352 ISO/IEC ECMA-340 ECMA-340 (NFCIP-1)NFCIP-1 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC Ecma/TC32-TG19/2007/094 (supersedes Ecma/TC32-TG19/2006/076) NFC-FEC ECMA-xxx NFC-SEC ECMA-xxx RF I/F Test Methods ECMA-356 ECMA-356 ISO/IEC Protocol Test Methods ECMA-362 ECMA-362 ISO/IEC NFC-FAST ECMA-xxx MemorySpot ECMA-xxx NFC-WI ECMA-373 ISO/IEC 28361
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: NFC work items Current work items NFC-SEC: NFC Data Link security to complement higher layer security ( GA) NFC-FEC: RF Front-end configuration ( GA) MemorySpot: 2,4 GHz High Data Rate ( GA) Possible future work items: NFC-WI-FAST: 2 nd generation wired interface NFC-FAST: Higher data rates Consider a low Hmax profile for Ecma-340 for mobile use NFC-PCT: Application extensions in NFCIP-1 Power control as an example application extension
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: NFC-SEC Overview Motivation: wireless network easy setup, peer-2-peer, mobile phone payment, ticketing and wired equivalent privacy use cases Application independent security layer. For protecting NFC peer-to-peer communications New feature for NFCIP-1 Good balance between state-of-the-art security and performance
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: NFC-SEC details Protection against: Eavesdropping Data modification (on the NFC link) 2 services are available: Secure Channel Shared Secret Security protocol: Key establishment phase Secure data exchange phase (encryption and MAC) Encapsulated in DEP packets