MAC & PHY Standard for Operation in TV White Space Invitation to JTC 1/SC 06 and CogNeA for open review For Ecmas prospective comments and dispositions to DISs in ISO/IEC JTC 1s fast track procedure Kyutae Lim Convener TC48-TG1 Ecma/TC48-TG1/2009/131
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: TV White Space standard review procedure overview
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: TV White Space standard review procedure Invitation to help: Review TVWS standard; Solicit technical comments; Draft, review and compile dispositions until xx July 2010 (1-month before JTC 1 s end-of-ballot). Thereafter: Ecma will issue technical comments and dispositions to the ISO/IEC JTC1 fast track to be addressed in the Ballot Resolution Meeting. How to comment: Send (ISO/IEC formatted) comments to Who: Experts from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 and CogNeA who register at TVWS; The International Editor coordinates. TVWS
Backup slides JTC 1 Fast-Track Procedure Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F:
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: JTC 1 Fast-Track Procedure Submitter Submitter: is a JTC 1 P-member or JTC 1 Class A-liaison holder is the only party that decides to submit to JTC 1s Fast-Track; not a JTC 1 decision. may submit a published standard, amendment or Technical Report may solicit advance informal comments from SCs either directly or via the JTC 1 Secretariat recommends assignment of the publication to an SC identifies an International editor
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: JTC 1 Fast-Track Procedure ITTF ITTF: Settles copyright and trademark situation; Registers the Fast-Track proposal; Includes DIS number allocation Helps assignment to an SC or JTC 1 itself; JTC 1 Secretariat assigns Starts the 30-day review period; May result in perceived contradictions that ITTF settles Starts the 5-month letter ballot; Publishes Final DIS text as ISO/IEC publication.
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: JTC 1 Fast-Track Procedure SC Upon assignment to an SC: The SC administers the new project in its work programme and maintenance list; SC Secretariat: Distributes ballot results to the SCs NBs and all voters Within two months after ballot closure Calls the ballot resolution meeting, appoints the Convener Required in case of disapprove votes and/or contentious technical comments, but not earlier than 2,5 months after ballot closure Appoints the international Editor Who drafts the (proposed and) final DIS text and (proposed and) final Disposition of Comments report within 1 month after ballot resolution meeting
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: JTC 1 Fast-Track Procedure Voting and Voters Two-staged: 30-day review period, to determine perceived contradictions; 5-month letter ballot (DIS or DAM), which is a combined voting process. Voters, one per country: all NBs of ISO may vote; all NCs of IEC may vote; all P-members of JTC 1 shall vote.
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: JTC 1 Fast-Track Procedure Ballot criteria Ballot pass criteria: ½ of JTC 1s P-members voted (approved, disapproved or abstained) and 2/ 3 of JTC 1s P-members approved and ¼ disapproves from all NBs and NCs that voted. Disapproval: On technical grounds only; Must include justification; Should include proposed fix for identified technical problem; Requires attendance of ballot resolution meeting.
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: JTC 1 Fast-Track Procedure Ballot resolution meeting Ballot resolution meeting: SC shall call a ballot resolution meeting in case of negative votes or contentious technical comments; NO-voters must attend; To turn NO-votes into YES-votes. By approving disposition of comments; Preferably by consensus, otherwise by majority vote. NB or NC shall confirm their vote change to approve to ITTF in writing. Within one month following the meeting, the International Editor drafts: the final DIS text; and Disposition of Comments report from proposal versions (as modified and approved in the meeting).
Rue du Rhône CH-1204 Geneva - T: F: Rue du Rhône 114 CH-1204 Geneva T: F: