The Petroleum Registry of Alberta The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information Pipeline and Terminal Reporting Changes Meeting February 11, 2004
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Agenda –Introductions –Purpose of the Meeting –Reporting Changes Background Design Changes –Implementation –Other
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Purpose of the Meeting Inform the Pipeline and Terminal Operators of the changes to the pipeline and terminal reporting Discuss the Implementation Process and Timing of the changes Capture any other input from the Pipeline and Terminal Operators
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Background of Reporting Changes Gas Pipeline Issues: TCPL is required to report many “paper” pipelines in order for the Registry to accommodate the large number of meter stations and “auto” population of activities. ATCO also has large files with many meter stations and “auto” population of activities --- requires processing after Registry hours. Volumetric Changes to a single meter station require the entire PL to be resubmitted – results in large amount of processing in order to change one number. Some pipeline to pipeline activities are not able to be reported under the current setup and rules.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Background of Reporting Changes – con’t Oil & NGL terminal/pipeline Issues Liquids Pipelines and Terminals are unable to report DISP’s to Alberta facilities when they control the measurement of the product. Other facility operators are incorrectly reporting REC from these TM and PL facilities using: Wrong volumes Incorrect facility ID’s
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Background of Reporting Changes – con’t Changes required to reflect the true business process for pipelines Funding Shared equally Industry$ 42 K DOE$ 42 K EUB$ 42 K Total cost $126 K
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Design Changes - Liquid Pipelines BT DISP to PL Auto GS DISP to PL Auto Pipeline Sub types 207 & 208 PL operator reports REC from various facilities including other PLs but not a CT. PL operator reports DISP to various facilities but not another PL. PL DISP to PL Auto RF DISP to PL Auto IF DISP to PL Auto GP DISP to PL Auto TM DISP to PL Auto PL DISP to PL Auto BT REC from PL Auto CT REC from PL Auto GS REC from PL Auto TM REC from PL Auto IF REC from PL Auto GP REC from PL Auto PL reports REC from PL RF REC from PL Auto
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Design Changes - Terminals CT DISP to TM Auto BT DISP to TM Auto GS DISP to TM Auto RF DISP to TM Auto IF DISP to TM Auto GP DISP to TM Auto TM DISP to TM Auto PL reports DISP to TM Terminal Sub type 671 & 672 TM operator reports REC from various facilities including other TMs but not a PL. TM REC from PL Auto TM operator reports DISP to various facilities but not a PL or TM. TM DISP to TM Auto TM DISP to PL Auto BT REC from TM Auto CT REC from TM Auto GS REC from TM Auto TM reports REC from TM IF REC from TM Auto GP REC from TM Auto PL reports REC from TM RF REC from TM Auto
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Summary of Changes For terminals: The terminal operator is in control of reporting the majority of volumes received at and disposed from the terminal. When two terminals are involved then the receiving terminal is in control and will report the received volume. When a pipeline is involved then the pipeline is in control of reporting both receipts from and dispositions to the terminal. For pipelines: The pipeline operator is in control of reporting both receipts into and dispositions from the pipeline unless there is another pipeline involved. When two pipelines are involved then the receiving pipeline is in control and will report the received volume. Please note: None of the above impacts reporting when the receiving or delivering facility/entity is not reporting in the Registry.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Implementation –Steering Committee approval was received January 21, 2004 –Development has commenced and is to be completed and system tested by March 31 st –Acceptance Testing will occur in April –Conversion, by the Registry, to the new process is estimated at 5 days and will take place right after the EUB deadline – approx. May 20 th
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Implementation - con’t Prior to implementation of the changes, cleanup and validation is needed on existing data –Pipeline & Terminal operators need to validate existing volumetric filings and confirm reporting can be done under new rules. Exceptions should be sent to –Pipeline operators need to clean up outstanding EUB non-compliance issues, where possible. Including Pending transactions
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Implementation Schedule TaskDate Required Complete verification of volumetric filing using new reporting rules February 28, 2004 Facility Operators cleanup EUB non compliance items March 31, 2004 Registry Development Complete March 31, 2004 Registry Acceptance TestingApril 1 – 30 th Pipeline & Terminal Operators test batch file submissions April 15 – May 15 th Registry ConversionMay 20 – 25th Go Live with new processMay 26th
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Other Items Confirm the Change Leader – with the name, phone number, and of contact person New Issues?