Distance Learning with CBT Distance Learning with CBT By: Robert K. Rayner President – CEO IDESS Interactive Technologies (IDESS I.T.) Inc.
What is CBT The term Computer Based Training covers a broad range of programs which vary from simple “power point” style presentations of information to more sophisticated and interactive programs that offer some of the functionality of a simulator.The term Computer Based Training covers a broad range of programs which vary from simple “power point” style presentations of information to more sophisticated and interactive programs that offer some of the functionality of a simulator.
The most common CBT’s used on board today are of the “power point presentation” type having very low levels of interactivity – and function primarily as information resources.The most common CBT’s used on board today are of the “power point presentation” type having very low levels of interactivity – and function primarily as information resources. CBT’s in use onboard
THE most important element in any CBT is the information it can transfer to the learner Knowledge Transfer
We can simplify the ingredients of learning as: How does CBT stimulate learning Memorising: Filing information into your memory for recall later. Filing information into your memory for recall later. Understanding: Perception of the how and the why. Perception of the how and the why. Making sense of ideas and principles. Doing: Developing skill through practice.
CBT is able to stimulate the learning experience by exploiting the full potential of multi-media to illustrate operating principles of equipment, and to acquire proficiency by practicing through interaction.CBT is able to stimulate the learning experience by exploiting the full potential of multi-media to illustrate operating principles of equipment, and to acquire proficiency by practicing through interaction. Stimulating Learning CBT has the potential to provide very MUDdy CBT has the potential to provide very MUDdy learning learning For example… For example…
Stimulating Learning
If content is the most important element of a CBT – which indeed it is – then verification and subsequent approval of its validity by an independent third party is also of great importance.If content is the most important element of a CBT – which indeed it is – then verification and subsequent approval of its validity by an independent third party is also of great importance. Validity of the Content For the majority of CBT’s currently in use, For the majority of CBT’s currently in use, this is not being done, although some this is not being done, although some producers do have an internal procedure producers do have an internal procedure within their own QMS. within their own QMS.
Approval or accreditation of courses that use CBT is done by some Maritime Administrations for a limited number of subjects related to STCW competencies.Approval or accreditation of courses that use CBT is done by some Maritime Administrations for a limited number of subjects related to STCW competencies. AccreditationAccreditation
Administrations are now viewing the use of CBT in a more positive light, and some have gone so far as to conduct their own research projects.Administrations are now viewing the use of CBT in a more positive light, and some have gone so far as to conduct their own research projects. AccreditationAccreditation One example being the development of a One example being the development of a blueprint for a CBT on the use of ECDIS, carried blueprint for a CBT on the use of ECDIS, carried out by the UK MCA. out by the UK MCA.
Other organisations – such as DNV Seaskill and the Nautical Institute - will certify courses that have met the criteria of their standard.Other organisations – such as DNV Seaskill and the Nautical Institute - will certify courses that have met the criteria of their standard. AccreditationAccreditation Some of these courses use CBT as the principal means Some of these courses use CBT as the principal means of transferring knowledge. of transferring knowledge.
It takes a great deal of time and effort to verify both the functionality of a CBT and the validity of its content.It takes a great deal of time and effort to verify both the functionality of a CBT and the validity of its content. Challenges for Accrediting Authorities Consequently the number of courses that are currently Consequently the number of courses that are currently approved by a qualified authority is rather small – but approved by a qualified authority is rather small – but growing. growing.
Advantages of CBT Trainees can learn a task or procedure without suffering the consequences of getting it wrong. Learner- centred – trainees proceed at their own speed and verify their own understanding as they progress.Learner- centred – trainees proceed at their own speed and verify their own understanding as they progress.
Advantages of CBT CBT is a more cost effective means of training. CBT is a more cost effective means of training. - Approx 60 percent of the total cost to send a seafarer on a course in a training centre is for travel, accommodation, meals, wages etc. About 40 percent is the course fee.
-The learning outcome from an instructor led course may vary from instructor to instructor depending on their styles of teaching, and from training centre to training centre. Advantages of CBT Consistency of knowledge transfer Consistency of knowledge transfer Trainees working with the same CBT Trainees working with the same CBT should, in theory, achieve the same learning should, in theory, achieve the same learning outcome, when or wherever the CBT is outcome, when or wherever the CBT is accessed. accessed. - The content of a CBT does not vary in quality or quantity. It is verifiable, and readily available as a refresher or It is verifiable, and readily available as a refresher or reference resource. reference resource. - CBT is not a one off experience
Advantages of CBT The time-consuming tasks such as marking and The time-consuming tasks such as marking and record keeping are performed by the program. record keeping are performed by the program. A particular advantage in a working environment A particular advantage in a working environment where senior personnel are already heavily where senior personnel are already heavily burdened with other administrative tasks. burdened with other administrative tasks. For example… For example…
Advantages of CBT
Flexibility Flexibility CBT can be taken at a time convenient CBT can be taken at a time convenient for the learner and in any location. It is not for the learner and in any location. It is not dependent on the availability of an instructor, dependent on the availability of an instructor, subject expert or a course schedule delivered in a subject expert or a course schedule delivered in a training centre. training centre. CBT’s can be updated and distributed with relative CBT’s can be updated and distributed with relative ease – to keep abreast of changes in technology, ease – to keep abreast of changes in technology, operating practices and legislation. operating practices and legislation.
When used on board, the learner is accessing CBT’s close to the point where acquired skills will be applied thereby facilitating knowledge transfer.When used on board, the learner is accessing CBT’s close to the point where acquired skills will be applied thereby facilitating knowledge transfer. Advantages of CBT
It is particularly suited to Type Specific Training. It is particularly suited to Type Specific Training. Able to develop the proficiency of crew in the use and Able to develop the proficiency of crew in the use and maintenance of equipment installed in the vessels they maintenance of equipment installed in the vessels they are working on. are working on. Manufacturers manual’s and particularly manuals Manufacturers manual’s and particularly manuals supplied to new buildings by shipyards, are rarely supplied to new buildings by shipyards, are rarely structured to function as a learning resource. They tend structured to function as a learning resource. They tend to be rather dry and poorly illustrated references. to be rather dry and poorly illustrated references. For example… For example…
Advantages of CBT Interact with the Gas Measuring Instrument by clicking on Interact with the Gas Measuring Instrument by clicking on lid to open, then click on the power switch to turn it on. lid to open, then click on the power switch to turn it on. Then click on the aspirator bulb to aspirate, then click on Then click on the aspirator bulb to aspirate, then click on the arrows to zero in the instrument. the arrows to zero in the instrument.
Advantages of CBT There is a growing body of evidence which There is a growing body of evidence which supports the view that CBT programs can have supports the view that CBT programs can have a positive influence on safety, environmental a positive influence on safety, environmental awareness and operational proficiency. awareness and operational proficiency.
CBT and Competence Management Maintaining a record of all learning events is an integral part of any Competence Management System. CBT programs are able to record computer based learning events and assessment results automatically. Where a company invests in their own ship Where a company invests in their own ship specific CBT’s they not only develop a training specific CBT’s they not only develop a training tool but create an inventory of specialised tool but create an inventory of specialised knowledge required for the safe and efficient knowledge required for the safe and efficient operation of their fleet. operation of their fleet.
Computer Based Assessment Computer based assessment provides an effective Computer based assessment provides an effective means of monitoring competence both during means of monitoring competence both during service aboard as well as ashore. service aboard as well as ashore. More sophisticated programs provide a More sophisticated programs provide a comprehensive record of training and assessment comprehensive record of training and assessment and functions that allow results to be analysed and functions that allow results to be analysed from which training needs can be ascertained. from which training needs can be ascertained. For example… For example…
Computer Based Assessment A deficiency in critical knowledge is identified A deficiency in critical knowledge is identified
Measuring the Benefits Using CBT Sun Microsystems reduced the time it took sales representatives to become productive from 12 months to 6 months. The Royal Bank of Scotland achieved a ROI “of several The Royal Bank of Scotland achieved a ROI “of several hundred percent” by replacing classroom training with hundred percent” by replacing classroom training with online training for its 15,000 staff across the U.K. online training for its 15,000 staff across the U.K. Many shore based industries have embraced CBT Many shore based industries have embraced CBT and various studies indicate that learning and various studies indicate that learning objectives are achieved more quickly with CBT objectives are achieved more quickly with CBT compared to conventional instructor led training. compared to conventional instructor led training. Some well known examples: Some well known examples:
CBT On Board As part of a blend of learning events, integrated As part of a blend of learning events, integrated into a properly managed competence development into a properly managed competence development system, CBT should be able to deliver measurable system, CBT should be able to deliver measurable results in safety and operational proficiency, and results in safety and operational proficiency, and cost savings. cost savings.