Kenya Anniskette Mission Photo Album
Nairobi, Kenya, Africa Missions Trip
Everyone carries or pulls something all the time.
Cows usually feed on the shoulder of the highway.
Beautiful African Sky
Potatoes are sale!
Shop in Nairobi
Poor donkey looks depressed standing in the road.
Tired missionary.
This baboon came up to the car window and enjoyed some ginger snaps we slipped out to him.
More potatoes and other vegetables for sale on the roadside.
Typical businesses
Their hotels are different than ours.
Riding to work
Brother Pamba’s son taking our picture for a change
High School outside afternoon service
Our armor bearer, Erick Smith testifies.
Our daughter, Kim, ministering through drama
Susie worships in song at the student service.
Bishop Anniskette sharing with the students.
Bishop Denis Pamba and his son sharing with Kim.
They are proud if of the Church of God!
Nairobi International Church service
Having church, hallelujah!
Preach, Bishop! Bishop Pamba translates.
Typical Nairobi town scene.
Enjoying their worship!
Kim leads in a special prayer for the young people.
Student in Nairobi listen to the word.
More students listen
New fangled clothes dryer, ha!
Earnest worship to God!
Kimmy and a new friend
Yummy food
Children who flocked to the Crusade in Busia, Kenya
Typical parsonage (some had dirt floors)
The rain threaten to dampen our spirits, but it DID NOT!
Crusade stage in Busia, Kenya (it was in a soccer stadium)
About 125 were saved in this Crusade.
The choir sang their heart out.
It rained, so we ran to the nearby tent and had church anyway.
The Word went forth…
Bishop and his I pad
Cows made themselves home in the soccer field.
Children’s ministry
Children were everywhere!
Kim preached in a village outside of Busia with an interpreter.
A chicken even came to church, but it wouldn’t sit still.
Church of God in Oyato
Kim and Erick inside one of the thatched huts with their hostess.
Outside the thatched hut.
Delicious food served to Kimmy and Erick.
Inside the thatched hut
They make their own bricks
The team with some local ministers at the Crusade.
Last night of the crusade.
Pastor David has been waiting 7 years to raise $1,000 to put a roof on this home/church office/Sunday School rooms building.
Ending fellowship with local pastors and leaders.
Mosquito net over the bed
A local Pastor and Susie pray in the restaurant.
Gift to us from the Pastors and Leaders in Busia.
Typical Ethiopian plow
Church of God in Ethiopia
. Typical housing in Ethiopia
Typical mud/cow manure walls in the church. Sweet music and children!
Uncomfortable seating doesn’t detour this congregation!
Now this is a different kind of traffic jam!
Just had to add that we saw polar bears in Barrow, Alaska!