ECMA-383ECMA nd edition Measuring the energy consumption of personal computing products Overview November 2009 Ecma/TC38-TG2/2009/113
Agenda What is ECMA nd editionECMA nd edition Who developed it and why Elements of the standard Categorisation Registration procedure Power modes and TEC Test Procedure Profiles Results reporting IEC plans 2
Measuring the energy consumption of Personal Computing products 2 nd edition scope: Notebook and Desktop computers –Defines Typical Energy Consumption (TEC) –Defines Profiles and a Majority Profile to describe usages –Defines a categorization framework which enables like for like TEC comparisons –Defines how to measure and test TEC ECMA nd edition does not provide –Pass / fail criteria –Power allowances for adders What is ECMA nd edition?ECMA nd edition 3
Who is involved in Developing ECMA-383 Industry Expert Contributors –Advanced Micro Devices –Dell –Hewlett Packard –Intel –Microsoft –nvidia –Sony –Via Industry Expert Observers –Apple –Fujitsu –Hitachi –IBM –Lexmark –Océ –Ricoh –Toshiba Government Expert Contributors –Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory –Terra Novum Government Expert Observers –US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) –EU EC JRC (European Union Commission Joint Research Centre) 4
Why Develop ECMA-383?ECMA-383 The development of Personal Computer energy regulations is accelerating across the globe –Provides a single global method for describing, measuring and evaluating personal computer energy usage –Provide a single method for doing like for like TEC comparisons –Single test procedure for global regulations and voluntary agreements –Provides a market driven categorizations framework with flexibility to keep up with market changes 5
Elements of the Standard ECMA Measuring the energy consumption of personal computing products ECMA Procedure for the registration of categories for ECMA-383 On-line comments form On-line appeals form On-line categories 6
Key clauses in ECMA nd editionECMA-383 Scope Terms and Definitions Specifications for the Unit Under Test Computer definitions Power Modes Duty Cycle Attributes Profile Attributes Categorisation Attributes Test procedure Test conditions Categorisation TEC formula Meter specifications Results reporting Annexs 7
Why Categorize? Categories are used to group systems with similar capability together –Allows a consumption (TEC) comparison based on their capabilities ConsumptionTransportation Uses Computer Uses NetbookMotorbike: 40 Km/L Netbook: 6W Transport a person A B Web Browsing NotebookCar: 13 Km/L Notebook: 9W Transport people A B Content creation High-end Notebook Pickup: 4 Km/L HE Notebook: 30W Transport people and things A B Games, Media creation, computational analysis Motor vehicle analogy 8
Categorisation (Nov 09) _Ecma-383.htm _Ecma-383.htm Notebook Computer 5 Categories: Netbook, thin/low end, mainstream, performance and high end Desktop Computer 4 Categories: entry, mainstream, performance and high end Discrete Graphics Defined based on Frame Buffer BandWidth (FB_BW) Creates 5 groups of graphics cards based on performance Out of scope products defined through categorisation ULE – Ultra Low Energy Sets an Annualised TEC level below which a product is out of scope for the standard Upper limit on # cores, memory channels and FB_BW Products with any of these attributes above upper limits are out of scope Rationale example: If high end category stated >3 cores the TEC limit would be set based on known products on the market today (e.g. 4 cores max) Would stifle innovation for someone bringing a many core product to market Categories will be updated via the registration procedure. ULE level and the upper limits will be constantly modified 9
ECMA-389ECMA-389: Procedure for the registration of categories for ECMA nd edition Why create the procedure Categories need to be updated more often than the standard Defines how to manage the category changes in an open and transparent way The procedure: Appoints a registration authority (Ecma) Defines where categories shall be posted Defines the criteria for anyone globally to submit change requests together. Includes an appeals process In case of approval of change requests the registration authority shall Maintain a minimum of 6 months between changes to the International Registers Take into account all comment approvals and manage the registers in a manner that minimises the number of updates 10
Power Mode Descriptions Note: Full definitions are in the standard the descriptions below are a summary only Off Mode - Plugged in and switched off Sleep Mode - The product can be woken by user interface devices. WoL Sleep Mode - Same as sleep mode but can also be woken via a LAN device On Modes - Not in Off or Sleep modes Idle Modes OS and software completely loaded. Activity is limited to basic applications that the product starts by default Short Idle Mode Screen is on and set to as shipped brightness. Power management features have not engaged. Long Idle Mode The same as Short Idle Mode only the screen has blanked Active (Work) Mode The product is carrying our work 11
12 Duty Cycles The time a product spends in each of its power modes
ECMA-383 Overview (rev 1.1) What is TEC? Typical Energy Consumption Power States: Measured. Duty Cycle: Set by Profile Study Represents system use. Work Power: Estimated or Measured depending on Profile Study. TEC is calculated from common computer Power States weighted with yearly Duty Cycles determined by a specific usage profile (Majority Profile) Computer TEC will vary depending on its use; e.g. enterprise use versus gamer use will provide a different yearly TEC ECMA-383 determines TEC around a single use (Majority Profile) TEC = (8760/1000)*(P off *T off + P sleep *T sleep + P idle *T idle + P sidle *T sidle + P work *T work ) 13
TEC Formulae ECMA-383ECMA nd edition provides two TEC formulae's TEC actual Requires accurate measurement of Active mode User of the standard would be required to develop a workload based on the Active Workload Criteria defined in the standard. TEC estimate Active included in Short-Idle No workload required A Profile TEC error of <15% enables use of TEC estimate Product TEC error = (TEC actual / TEC estimate ) * 100% Profile TEC error = The average of all the product TEC errors in a Profile study Profile: A combination of duty cycle attributes and a given use case (e.g. office users, home users, gamers) 14
The Work Energy of TEC Power Study is used to determine if work can be estimated or must be measured –If work energy has minimum impact on TEC, Work energy can be estimated by short idle power –Else Workload is created to measure P work Small Impact Large Impact Need to create an Work workload Estimate Work power with Short Idle Power 15
Test Procedure Defines details on Test setup Specifications for test equipment (watt meter and ambient light meter) Does not specify specifications for line conditioners Test conditions: Regional supply voltage + THD, ambient temperature, humidity and ambient light Defines test procedure for any or all power modes Off, Sleep, WoL Sleep, Long Idle, Short Idle and Active 16
Profiles A combination of duty cycle attributes and a given use case (e.g. office users, home users, gamers) Majority profile is the most common profile of users Minority profiles represent less common profiles of users not represented in the majority profile Profile Study: Performed to create a profile and generates All the duty cycle attributes: Time in each of the power modes The profile active power ratio (PAPR): The average on power divided by short idle power of a product (all products averaged together to provide the PAPR) A number approaching 1 indicates the profile spends less time in active mode The profile TEC error Product TEC error: (TEC actual / TEC estimate ) * 100%. Profile TEC error is the average of all the product TEC errors in a profile study The Profile Active Workload Ratio The average ratio of Active power divided by Short Idle Power Used to validate that an active workload closely matches the profile study (through its PAPR). 17
What is a Majority Profile? The most common type of usage model –Determined by statistically significant data study IDC or Gartner data could be used to determine the most common type of usage Why a Majority Profile? –Provide accurate TEC measurement for the greatest population Accuracy of TEC will diminish for systems using different usage patterns –Allows consumers to understand a relative consumption model across different computers Even though their actual realized TEC will vary, it should vary in a similar way across all machines –Lowers the cost and time impact by providing a single unified way for the industry to express TEC for computing devices –Less confusion than providing 9-10 TEC values based on additional minority profiles 18
Developing a Majority Profile through a Profile Study A Profile Study is performed to create a Majority Profile –Creates the necessary attributes needed to calculate TEC for that profile –Determines how to treat the active workload contribution to TEC Pick a Majority Profile Perform a Duty Cycle Study on users that fit the majority profile, determines duty cycle for profile Tx = y Px = z Perform a Power Study on users that fit the majority profile, determines if a Active Work load is need, and if so its characteristics 19
Profile concepts described in 4 Annexs Overview of Profile Methodology Majority Profile How to conduct a Profile study Sample TEC calculations 20
Results reporting Minimum set of results to be reported Product Description Category (including date stamp) Results Test conditions Declaration 21
IEC plans Priority for the Ecma Task Group is to convert ECMA nd edition into an IEC standardECMA- 383 IEC TC108 WG Environment have been contributing to the work from the start Early draft sent to IEC for review and comments included in final draft of Ecma standard Final draft ECMA nd edition sent to IEC in Oct Expect CD (committee draft) April 2010 CDV (committee draft for vote) August 2010 FDIS (final document international standard) April 2011 Will work with European Standards Organisation to develop a European Norm (EN) from IEC version 22
Backup 23
Web Links ECMA nd edition ECMA-389 Comments on categories 383_comments_to_categories.php Appeals on rejected comments 383_appeals_for_rejected_comments.php Categories Historic Categories 24
Criteria for an active workload The workload shall be created to ensure that the Profile Active Power Ratio (PAPR), determined as a result of a profile study, comes within 15% of the Profile Active Workload Ratio (PAWR), determined by running the workload on the study computers. The active workload shall consist of workload fragments representative of the targeted profile. PAPR = P on /P sidle PAWR = P work /P sidle 15% > |(PAPR - PAWR)|/PAPR (absolute values) 25
What is TEC? TEC = (8760/1000)*(P off *T off + P sleep *T sleep + P idle *T idle + P sidle *T sidle + P work *T work ) 100% = T off + T sleep + T idle + T sidle + T work T off Represents the percent time the system annually spends in the off state. T sleep Represents the percent time the system annually spends in the sleep. T idle Represents the percent time the system annually spends in the on state. T sidle Represents the percent time system is annually on and short idle (screen not blanked) T work Represents the percent time system is annually on and active (screen not blanked) 26
Computer States Off: Defined by ACPI G2/S5 state. Sleep: Defined by an ACPI G1 state (S1, S2, S3 or S4 state) which provides a 5 second resume latency Long Idle: Defined as being in an on state (G0/S0 state) for 15 minutes, performing any work, and the screen being blanked. Short Idle: Defined as being in an on state, not being in a sleep state, not performing any work (after a short interval of idleness), and the screen being on. Work: Defined as being in an on state and performing some useful work as determined by the majority profile. 27
Power Study Calculate True TEC for each machine in the study TEC true = (8760/1000)*(P off *T off + P sleep *T sleep + P on *T on ) –Where Pon is the average on power measured in the power study –Where Ton = T idle + T sidle + T work Derived from the Duty Cycle Study Calculate the Estimated TEC for each machine in the study TEC estimate = (8760/1000)*[P off *T off + P sleep *T sleep + P idle *T idle + P sidle *(T sidle + T work )] Average the TECs and calculate the Error –%Error = [Avg(TEC true ) - Avg(TEC estimate )] /Avg(TEC true ) If %Error < 15% then –P sidle can substitute for P work for that profile Else –Profile will require an Active workload to be created to measure Pwork Log On Power (P on ) for study period on Study machines with selected profile users Measure P off, P sleep, P idle, P sidle 28
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