World Englishes Bridget Green Based on


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Presentation transcript:

World Englishes Bridget Green Based on WTUC

A lecture Ready? Listen. Ask questions. Take notes. Take a quiz using your notes. Ready?

English is a global language. What does that mean?

What are the top five languages? Mandarin Spanish English Hindi Russian

In order… 1 Mandarin 2 English 3 Hindi 4 Spanish 5 Russian But Mandarin is not considered a global language. Why not? In order… 1 Mandarin 2 English 3 Hindi 4 Spanish 5 Russian The estimated ranking of languages when second language use is taken into account. (Based on Ostler, 2005)

Did you know…? English is spoken in countries on all five continents.

20% One out of five! Do you know…? Worldwide what percentage of people speak English? One out of five! 20% Source: English 2000 Facts and Figures by the British Council

Did you know…? More than one and a half billion people are learning English worldwide. 1,500,000,000 Source: David Crystal ‘Why English: The Historical Context’

Did you know…? 66 More than _________% of the world’s scientists read in English. Source: English 2000 Facts and Figures by the British Council

Did you know…? 68 More than _________% of websites on the internet are in English. Source: English 2000 Facts and Figures by the British Council

Did you know…? 75 More than _________% of the world’s mail is written in English. Source: English 2000 Facts and Figures by the British Council

Did you know…? 80 More than _________% of the world’s electronically stored information is written in English. Source: English 2000 Facts and Figures by the British Council

Did you know…? There are 350 million+ native English speakers. Source: English 2000 Facts and Figures by the British Council

Did you know…? There are more than 1 billion non-native English speakers. Source: David Crystal ‘Why English: The Historical Context’

x 3 1: 3 Compare: 350 million 100 million+ native English speakers non-native English speakers x 3 350 million 100 million+ 1: 3 Source: David Crystal ‘Why English: The Historical Context’

Where did it start? Native English speakers come from many countries… New Zealand UK Australia Ireland South Africa USA Canada “The Inner Circle” Source: Kachru 1992

How many are there? Distribution of Native English speakers by country… Ireland New Zealand South Africa etc Source: Wikipedia/David Crystal 1997

And then what happened? “The Outer Circle” imperialism a political system in which one country rules a lot of other countries Source: Kachru 1992

And then what happened? “The Outer Circle” colonialism when a powerful country rules a weaker one, and establishes its own trade and society there Source: Kachru 1992

And then what happened? “The Outer Circle” Zambia Nigeria Tanzania Bangladesh Sri Lanka Ghana Singapore India The Philippines Kenya Malaysia Pakistan Source: Kachru 1992

English is used inside the country as an official language. The Outer Circle? Zambia Nigeria Tanzania Bangladesh English is used inside the country as an official language. Sri Lanka Ghana Singapore India The Philippines Kenya Pakistan Malaysia Source: Kachru 1992

English is used by professionals in some contexts. And then what happened? “The Expanding Circle” Zimbabwe Nigeria Russia China English is used by professionals in some contexts. Taiwan Egypt Nepal Indonesia Saudia Arabia Israel Japan Korea Source: Kachru 1992

The Expanding Circle? pilots researchers travel agents news media scientists teachers computer programmers etc. Zimbabwe Nigeria Russia China English is used by professionals in some contexts. English is recognized as an important international language. Taiwan Egypt Nepal Indonesia Saudia Arabia Israel Japan Korea Source: Kachru 1992

English has been exported…

Japan: aikido, banzai, bonsai, futon, haiku, judo, kamikaze, sake, samurai, tofu, sushi, shogun, tycoon, typhoon, Zen, etc Africa: chimpanzee, trek, voodoo, yam, etc Native American: canoe, chipmunk, skunk, squash, hurricane, avocado, cocoa, chili, chocolate, etc China: ketchup, chopsticks, bonsai, yen, china, tea, etc English Middle East: alcohol, apricot, zero, assassin, giraffe, algebra, etc

Different varieties of English… Dialect = a variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary Why do dialects develop? group time isolation Source:

Different varieties of English… group time isolation Dialects of English have developed in all of the countries that use English daily. = inner and outer circle countries Source:

Different varieties of English… sound different. Carribean English: He come wit me dat day. New Zealand English: I hev a pine in my hid. Indian English: I hate to pay the tex. Source:

Different varieties of English… use different vocabulary. Indian English: My head is paining. African English: You are looking very fat. Australian English: If he’s within cooee, we’ll find him.

Different varieties of English… use different grammar. Indian English: I am understanding about it. Carribean English: Where _ dat bai? British English: I’m fine. I needn’t go to _ hospital.

World Englishes World Englishes. This is why we say It’s not one English. It’s many different Englishes.

Language and dialect Languages: Dialects: English, German, Japanese, etc. Dialects: South Asian English, British English, South African English, American English, etc.

Different varieties of English… Which English is correct? British English because it was first? American English because it has the most ‘native speakers?’ Source:

No dialect is more ‘correct’ than any other. All! No dialect is more ‘correct’ than any other.

What’s the difference between a language and a dialect? A language is exactly the same as a dialect but bigger and stronger. A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. HA! Source:

Why is this important? English is a world language and has been for hundreds of years. Each isolated group, over time, develops its own dialect. All dialects are ‘correct’.

One dialect is not ‘better’ than another.

Why learn about World Englishes? (= expanding circle) Non-native speakers get ‘international’ jobs and speak to other non-native speakers from other countries. use English to

English… is a tool. can be used in your home country. can be used in other non-native English-speaking countries.

1: 3 Remember: It is highly likely that most of your future contact in English will be with other non-native speakers. native English speakers non-native English speakers 1: 3 Source: David Crystal ‘Why English: The Historical Context’

World Englishes A tool that you can use for the rest of your life!