THE SYMBOLS SPEAK THE EAST WINDOW How symbols display the faith of believers through the beauty of stained glass THE EAST WINDOW “The Apostles”
In 1966, in the E A S T w i n d o w s, stained glass, replacing the plain glass, was installed with the . . .
E A S T . . . 14 symbols already embedded in them
THE APOSTLES The East Window
Disciple = learner Apostle = one sent out THE APOSTLES . . . Jesus called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles . . . Luke 6.13 Disciple = learner Apostle = one sent out 14 symbols
Each symbol displays either an event from the life of the apostle or symbolizes how he was martyred. Each apostle is recognized on a certain day of our church year, noted underneath the symbol.
Cephas (Aramaic=rock) Wrote 2 epistles of NT 1 SIMON (PETER) Two crossed keys show-ing authority to forgive and retain sins (Mt 16.19) Authority was given to church based on Peter’s confession “Thou art . .” (Mt 16.16) Peter (Greek=rock) Cephas (Aramaic=rock) Wrote 2 epistles of NT Jun 29
It came to be known as the “St Andrew” cross X-shaped cross shows the manner in which he was crucified--on a cross of this design It came to be known as the “St Andrew” cross He brought Peter, his brother, to Jesus (Jn 1.40-42) Nov 30
The 3 shells are signs of pilgrimage & the missionary spirit of James 3 JAMES the Elder The 3 shells are signs of pilgrimage & the missionary spirit of James James traveled widely with the message of Christ Brother of John First apostle to die (Acts 12.2) Jul 25
It was said that John drank poison and survived Chalice with serpent It was said that John drank poison and survived John, the last apostle to die, was the only one who didn’t die a martyr’s death Brother of James Wrote the Gospel, 3 Epistles, & Revelation Dec 27
5 THOMAS (Didymus-twin) Spear and carpenter’s square The square indicates he was a builder (India) Spear shows how he died Thomas needed visible proof to strengthen his faith (Jn 20) Known as “Doubting Thomas” Dec 21
Wrote the Gospel of Matthew Three money bags are a reminder of the previous profession of Matthew--a tax collector (Mt 9.9-13) He is also called Levi Wrote the Gospel of Matthew Sep 21
The knife is a symbol of how he died--he was flayed (skinned) alive 7 BARTHOLOMEW Bible with a knife The knife is a symbol of how he died--he was flayed (skinned) alive Also called Nathanael The first disciple to call Jesus the Son of God (Jn 1.49) Aug 24
Also known as James the Less (Mk 15.40) 8 JAMES the Younger Picture of a saw Shows how he died--said to be killed in Persia for his faith and then sawn in two Also known as James the Less (Mk 15.40) May 1
A cross and 2 loaves of bread 9 PHILIP A cross and 2 loaves of bread Reminder of the feeding of the 5000 when Philip doubted Jesus’ power (Mt 14.13-21) Brought Nathanael to Jesus May 1
Ship with a plain white sail--different from the symbol for the Church 10 JUDE Ship with a plain white sail--different from the symbol for the Church Jude sailed away for missionary service in distant lands Also known as Judas, son of James, or Thaddaeus Oct 28
Bible with double-edge sword behind it 11 PAUL Bible with double-edge sword behind it “Spiritus Gladius” is written on the pages of the Bible: “The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God” (Eph 6.27) Known as the Apostle to the Gentiles Wrote most of NT Jan 25
Bible with double- sided ax Shows Matthias’ martyrdom--he was beheaded Matthias was chosen as the replacement apostle for Judas (Acts 1) Feb 29
Illustrates that Simon was a fisher of men by the power of the Word 13 SIMON the Zealot Fish on top of Bible Illustrates that Simon was a fisher of men by the power of the Word Belonged to the political party of the Zealots Oct 28
Disciple who betrayed Jesus 14 JUDAS ISCARIOT Blank shield Disciple who betrayed Jesus Nothing desirable to remind us of his be-trayal, therefore no symbol Even though blank, it sends a powerful message
SUMMARY Two sets of brothers Peter and Andrew James and John All but one was a martyr Only John died naturally The additional 2 apostles Paul Matthias
SUMMARY Five had more than 1 name Simon=Peter=Simon Peter=Cephas Thomas=Didymus (twin) Matthew=Levi Bartholomew=Nathanael Jude=Judas=Thaddaeus Three had the same name Simon Peter and Simon the Zealot James the Elder and James the Younger Judas son of James and Judas Iscariot
Be thou faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life Be thou faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life. (Rev 2.10)
The East Window
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