Lesson 6
Learning Topic: Trip preparation Focus Question: If you were the teacher preparing this trip, what guidelines for behavior would you set up?
What to expect on the trip This is a research lab, not a place where they usually have field trips. You will see people working. There is security to get in the facility. This keeps the researchers, the animals, and the research data safe. You will receive your groups before we leave.
Feel free to ask questions. Remember to raise your hand and be respectful. There are many people there with many different jobs. Ask them questions about what they do and what they did in college. What to expect on the trip
Do not touch anything unless you are instructed to do so. If you do not feel comfortable at any point, let your chaperone know. However, please try it first. What to expect on the trip
There are restrooms, ask your chaperone. Other questions?
Journal Entry: Write down any remaining questions you have about animal research. What position(s) are you most interested in learning about at a research laboratory? Homework