REAR WINDOW Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock also directed Psycho. Hitchcock was nominated five times for an Oscar but never won. His first film “Rebecca” did win an Oscar for best picture but the award was presented to the producer, David O. Selznick, not the director received the Thalberg Memorial Award for consistent high-level achievement. James Stewart played the lead role of Jeff. Jeff was a crippled photographer, broken leg. Rear Window would be remade with Christopher Reeves in the lead role.
Grace Kelly played the role of Lisa, Jeff’s girlfriend. Grace Kelly was famous for being Fred Astaire’s dance partner. Wendell Corey played the role of Lt. Doyle, Jeff’s friend. Thelma Ritter played the role of Stella, Jeff’s masseuse. Raymond Burr played the role of Thorwald, the murderer. Judith Evelyn played the role of Miss Lonelyheart.
Georgine Darcy played the role of Miss Torso. Based on a short story called “It Had To Be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich. Hitchcock treated his actors like puppets or cattle, and didn’t allow them to create much. All of the sound in the film comes directly from the shoot.
Every shot, except for a few at the end, come from Jeff’s apartment. Hitchcock would direct everything from Jeff’s apartment as well. All apartments had running water and electricity, so some lived in their apartments, like Miss Torso. The apartment complex was built to scale, five stories tall, and they had to excavate the first floor out of the warehouse. It was the largest set of it’s time.
Hitchcock would do a cameo in the songwriters apartment, he would do a cameo in every film he shot. Jeff spies on his neighbors with binoculars and his camera lens. Jeff sees Thorwald acting suspicious and he suspects Thorwald killed his wife. Dog became a problem when it dug up the flower bed.
Lisa and Stella broke into Thorwald’s apartment to search for clues. Thorwald catches on and confronts Jeff, and Jeff saves himself with his flash. Miss Torso ends up being in love with We're voyeurs, often from Jeff's viewpoint, though sometimes Hitchcock tricks us. Camera pans and tilts, like someone's eyes. Lots of close-ups, profiles -- the human face
A lot of time establishing environment. Conversations about marriage. Jeff disaffected, alienated. Nobody relating to anyone else. Hero - change in perception. Watching, hoping for murder is sick. Puts hero at odds with everything. Fighting environment (Jeff sweats), weather unpleasant.. Nominated for several Oscars, but of course, won nothing. Best Director, Writing, Cinematography (color picture), and Sound recording
One of the five lost Hitchcock’s One of the five lost Hitchcock’s Hitch kept them unreleased and gave the rights to his daughter who in 1984 finally released it with four others. Hitch kept them unreleased and gave the rights to his daughter who in 1984 finally released it with four others. Supposedly, Hitchcock hired Raymond Burr to play Lars because he could easily be made to look like David O' Selznick, Hitch's old producer who interfered too much. Supposedly, Hitchcock hired Raymond Burr to play Lars because he could easily be made to look like David O' Selznick, Hitch's old producer who interfered too much.