What to do When to do it How to do it
September – November: preparation and dissemination of applications (deadlines in November-December) December: Scheduling of Interviews at Meetings. January: Meetings January – March: Flybacks, round II, etc.
September, October and some November Ads Deadlines: Early November through Mid Dec Materials ◦ Job Market Paper ◦ Dissertation Abstract ◦ CV ◦ Teaching Materials (Philosophy, evals) ◦ Letters of Recommendation
Need to have drafts to committee early Polish! Make it look professional. Seminar – by early November at the latest Sept 1: First draft (advisor maybe committee) Oct. 1: Main Draft (at least committee, maybe department) Nov. 1: Distribution draft (everyone)
Note this should include past or present tense: (I investigate(d), I find/found, I show/have shown) If it’s a three essay thesis, it should have at least 3 essays outlined. Typically one page (3 paragraphs?) Show advisor. Have them read. Need completely polished by Nov 1.
Make it look like other academic vitas ◦ Education ◦ Positions (TA, RA etc, not “walmart greeter”) ◦ Published papers/working papers/presentations Short version (for me, by Nov. 1) ◦ 1 page Include contact information
Teaching Philosophy ◦ That you’ve thought seriously about teaching ◦ That you care and have worked on it. ◦ Tie in your academic interests and history. ◦ How you have addressed shortcomings. Evidence of Teaching Ability ◦ Course Evaluations. Comments. ◦ Present yourself completely, but in the best light. ◦ Innovations in which you’ve participated.
Contact letter writers in September You need to give a seminar in October or earlier (make sure your writers attend). Be sure to give them drafts of paper, abstract, CV and teaching material. Be nice, they are doing you a HUGE favor. It is time consuming and important. If they ask for something, get it for them.
Get the ads in September, October and November. Compile list, watch deadlines. Get hotel reservation for Denver (see AEA web site). Earlier is better, September I think. Buy plane tickets.
Jeannie will mail your packets. You need to provide: ◦ Materials printed and in envelopes (you may use the white ones in the supply closet) ◦ Address labels (5160) on evelopes ◦ Names of letter writers (to me and Jeannie) Jeannie will add letters (and a cover from me) seal it and mail it.
We send an announcement of our students on the market in early November to hundreds of institutions. You need to provide me with your 1 page sheet: CV plus short abstract. I will provide guidelines. I will need this prior to November 1. Web pages, get information to Jeannie.
In December we will conduct Mock interviews. Take these seriously. Dress as you would for the real thing. ◦ Spiel ◦ Teaching ◦ Questions More on that at “Interview” seminar.
Done Signal. They want you to be done when you show up in August. (CV, JMP, Abstract) Letters of recommendation. Are you maturing as a researcher/teacher/colleague. Your field/topic/interests – compliment/substitute? Teaching experience Professional: they’ll check your web page.
Faculty will be there and we will provide contact information for emergencies. We will be available for questions and advice. Some socializing as well.
Early January (as you start to get flybacks) Repeat of seminar, usually smaller audience Not all student take advantage of this. Some flybacks have teaching seminars, and so it’s not necessary.
Be nice Be engaged Be interested Be yourself…only better. Be polite. In short: your mother was right. First impressions matter.
Typically ½ hour meetings with faculty and some administration (often the Dean). Some kind of research talk or teaching. Usually last interview with Department chair. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Most places bring 3 to campus.
You do not negotiate until you have an offer. Once you have an offer, you should speak with your advisor (and possibly others). We’ve done this before. We’ve been on both sides of it. We’ve seen many students negotiate. Don’t be afraid to ask for things. I’ve never seen an offer rescinded because you asked. Get it in writing.
Cawley, John “A Guide (and Advice) for Economists on the U.S. Junior Academic Job Market” AEA Web Page Job Openings for Economists, AEA Web Page Economics Labor Market Surveys (U. Arkansas, CBER web page) Hamermesh Advice Articles