Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor XXXXX Chief Judge Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V 2002 Area H2 Humorous Speech Contest Champion on 28th September, 2002
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor XXXXXX Chief Judge Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V 2002 Area H2 Humorous Speech Contest First Runner-up on 28th September, 2002
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor XXXXXX Chief Judge Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V 2002 Area H2 Evaluation Contest Champion on 28th September, 2002
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor XXXXX Chief Judge Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V 2002 Area H2 Evaluation Contest First Runner-up on 28th September, 2002
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor XXXXXX Chief Judge Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V 2002 Area V3 Humorous Speech Contest Champion on 28th September, 2002
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor XXXXXX Chief Judge Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V 2002 Area V3 Evaluation Contest Champion on 28th September, 2002
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor XXXXXX Chief Judge 2002 Area H2 Humorous Speech Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Participation Presented to As a Contestant in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor XXXXXX Chief Judge 2002 Area H2 Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Participation Presented to As a Contestant in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor XXXXXXXX Chief Judge 2002 Area V3 Humorous Speech Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Participation Presented to As a Contestant in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor XXXXX Chief Judge 2002 Area V3 Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Participation Presented to As a Contestant in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor 2002 Area H2 & V3 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Appreciation Presented to As the Chief Judge in XXXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor 2002 Area H2 & V3 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Appreciation Presented to As a Judge in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor 2002 Area H2 & V3 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Appreciation Presented to As a Tie-Breaking Judge in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor 2002 Area H2 & V3 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Appreciation Presented to As a Test Speaker in XXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 XXXXX Contest Chair XXXXXXX Chief Judge 2002 Area H2 & V3 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Appreciation Presented to As the Master of Ceremony in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V
Issue Date: 28th September, 2002 Doreen Chan Area H2 Governor Brian Hodgson Area V3 Governor 2002 Area H2 & V3 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest on 28th September, 2002 Certificate of Appreciation Presented to As the Contest Chair in XXXX Toastmasters International District 51, Division H & V