Objectives Curriculum changes at the Westgate will impact current Y8 pupils. The KS4 curriculum will commence after half term in February 2013 with Core Science Choices of double/triple science will be made by all pupils at the end of Y9. Our priority is to keep as many doors open to post 16 science as possible.
Current Curriculum End of Year 8 – KS4 sets are determined. Start of Year 9 – Approx. 40% of pupils begin the triple GCSE Science courses. The other 60% follow the BTEC course. Start of Year 10 – Pupils continue to follow the GCSE Triple Science courses. Of those that followed the BTEC Applied science course, approximately 65% move onto the Double Science GCSE course, whilst the remainder continue on with the BTEC.
Year 8 – Sets are determined GCSE Triple ScienceBTEC Applied Science GCSE Triple Science BTEC Applied Science GCSE Double Science
Course changes 2010 – GCSE Applied Science is removed nationally – The Westgate School introduces BTEC Applied Science 2011 – New GCSE syllabus is introduced for Double and Triple Science courses – BTEC Applied Science syllabus is set to change – Linear examined courses will be introduced
Key Changes There are 2 key changes that have motivated our review of the courses we offer: 1)Linear exams being introduced to GCSE Triple and Double Science. 2)Exams being introduced to BTEC Applied Science
New Curriculum Your child will continue with KS3 Science until half way through Year 9. All pupils will then continue the same GCSE modules up to the end of year 9. End of module assessment will be used, alongside other key data, to accurately set pupils. Pupils will follow either Triple or Double GCSE courses.
All pupils complete KS3 Science. All pupils then complete the first Biology, Chemistry and Physics units of the GCSE courses. (These are the same for Triple & Double Sci). GCSE Triple Science GCSE Double Science