Save Our Wetlands What Can We Do? Tammy 2008
What Kids Can Do ~ Words From Other Kids Do not litter and pick up trash when you see it! –Kids can save the wetlands by cleaning it everyday. This will make a difference because it will help the wetlands stay clean and fresh. Rodrick D. 13 years old Recycle what you can. Every little bit helps. –I think people need to start recycling, because people will stop throwing things on the ground. They need to help the wetlands out. Dwayne T. 15 years old Organize a trash clean-up at a park or waterway near your community! –Kids can organize a contest of who can collect the most trash and have prizes. When you go to the wetlands the kids could plant and then they can have a recess out there. Christopher W. 13 Plant a tree or organize a large tree planting! –One thing that kids can do to help save the wetlands is plant trees. This will help the creatures at the wetlands have more air and places to live. It will also add to the beauty of our wetlands. Cassie R. 12 years Do not let your fish or pets go in the wetlands! Invasive plant and animal species are harmful to our local habitats! –Do not let your pets go in the wetlands! They do not belong in the wetlands and they can eat the animals that naturally live there. Jenna J. 12 years old Tammy 2008
Organize a wetland photography contest and display all of the entrees in a public place! –Kids should organize a wetlands photography contest and display the entries to the public. Doing this show people how great the wetlands really are. The photography could also show how polluted and badly treated some areas are. Hopefully this will help the natural things in the wetlands environment. Gabrielle S. Age 13 Years Research a list of threatened or endangered animals in your area and help others find out what we can do to give them a better chance to survive! –Kids can research threatened animals and discuss ways to help them. If we find out why they are having problems maybe we can do something about it. Cody L. 13 yrs old Create activities for students that will help them understand why wetlands are important to us. – I think students should learn more about problems in their local area. The more they learn, the more they will see ways they can help. Jeffrey M. 12 Tammy 2008
Learn how you can conserve water and share your ideas with others! –People need to try not to use large amounts of water. It is important to conserve our fresh water, because there is only so much of it on earth. Sherman J. 12 years Share what you learn with others! –Kids can research information about the wetlands and make posters showing why they are so important. They can put the posers in stores so that people will get interested in the wetlands and maybe see some ways they can help. Skyler K. 12 Organize a school wide wetlands poster contest and hang them up in your school and around the community. –Organize a poster contest because it can tell the problems of the wetlands and state solutions. It can also show pictures of the wetlands. Devin C. 12 years old Tammy 2008
Tammy 2008