Ch 6-2 notes Let’s review….. Noun- person, place, thing or idea In Spanish ALL nouns have a gender. The gender is known by the ARTICLE associated with it. ELLA LOSLAS
El durazno (peach) Los duraznos (peaches) La manzana (apple) Las manzanas (apples)
Ch 6-2 Notes Direct objects and direct object pronouns p.212 Direct object- Receives the action of the verb directly Pruebo la salsa/ I try the salsa. DO DO Use direct object PRONOUNS to avoid repetition. Yo la pruebo. / I try it (the salsa). The D.O. pronoun you use MUST agree with the noun it stands for.
LO- Masculine/singularLA-Feminine/singular LOS- Masculine/pluralLAS-Feminine/plural
Direct object pronouns go BEFORE the conjugated verb. Direct object pronouns can also be ATTACHED to infinitives. Yo prefiero los duraznos. I prefer peaches. Yo LOS prefiero. Yo voy a comer los duraznos. I am going to eat the peaches. Yo voy a comerlos.
Affirmative informal commands p. 214 These are used to tell someone you call “tú” to do something. These commands are formed by.... Taking the “tú” form of the verb, Then taking the “S” off of the end.
Examples: Probar- Tú Pruebas Prueba Cocinar- Tú cocinas Cocina Pedir- Tú pides Pide
Some verbs have irregular command forms… Tener- Ten (have) Venir- Ven(come) Poner- Pon(put/place) Ir – Ve(go) Hacer- Haz(do/make) Salir- Sal(go out/leave)
Here are some common verbs for use in the kitchen that have regular commands. Abrir- to open Cortar- to cut Calentar (e-ie)- To heat Mezclar- To mix Sacar- To take out Añadir- To add
Affirmative formal commands with pronouns p.216 Direct object pronouns…… Go BEFORE a conjugated verb. Or ATTACHED to an infinitive. They can also go …. ATTACHED to affirmative informal commands
When you attach a pronoun to a command…. You MUST put an accent mark on the stressed syllable unless… The command is only one syllable long. Examples: Ponlos allí (there). Put them there. Saca la basura por favor. Take out the trash please. Sácala por favor.