LAP JOINT The Lap Joint is: basically one piece of wood is laid (lapped) over another piece of wood, and the two pieces fastened together in the contact area.
TOOLS NEEDED You will need the following items to make a Half-Lap Joint. Of course do not forget your eye protection. Check mitre gauge with a try square.
HALF-LAP JOINT LAYOUT You have to decide if you want your clock face to look like this. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or it can look like this. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
HALF-LAP JOINT LAYOUT Make layout cut lines on wood pieces ‘H’, ‘I’, ‘J’ & ‘K’.
HALF-LAP JOINT LAYOUT Measure the thickness of your wood with a ruler, and draw a line half that measurement. With machine locked out. Put your piece of wood beside the blade so you can set the blade height.
HALF-LAP JOINT LAYOUT With machine still locked out. Take the measurement from above, and set the fence at that distance from the outside edge of the stacking dado blades. Measure the width of wood piece ‘H’ with a ruler.
HALF-LAP JOINT TEST CUT ON THE RAILS Do your test cut on a scrap piece of pine.
CUTTING A HALF-LAP JOINT ON YOUR RAILS Cut a half-lap joint on wood pieces ‘H’, ‘I’, ‘J’ & ‘K’
HALF-LAP JOINT LAYOUT With machine locked out. Take the measurement from above, and set the fence at that distance from the outside edge of the stacking dado blades. Measure the width of wood piece ‘J’ with a ruler.
HALF-LAP JOINT TEST CUT ON THE TOP RAIL Do your test cut on a scrap piece of pine.
CUTTING A HALF-LAP JOINT ON YOUR TOP RAIL Cut a half-lap joint on the top of wood pieces ‘H’ & ‘I’.