Investigate man's early understanding of the universe. Identify and describe the characteristics of objects in our universe such as galaxies, stars, meteorites,


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Presentation transcript:

Investigate man's early understanding of the universe. Identify and describe the characteristics of objects in our universe such as galaxies, stars, meteorites, comets, asteroids, planets, and moons. Research the history of space exploration. Explore the training and innovations needed for current and future manned and unmanned missions. Investigate the new knowledge and benefits derived from the exploration of space. CONTENT OBJECTIVES

PROCESS OBJECTIVES Demonstrate self-motivation and task commitment for learning. Narrow and refine topics for in-depth research. Predict causes and/or effects of a given situation. Solve logic and math problems. Recognize valid information and discriminate between reliable and unreliable sources. Critique one's product and evaluate personal effort. Develop a bibliography to acknowledge sources. Utilize effective presentation techniques for written, visual, oral or technology products Select key facts and organize data in a systematic manner. Analyze the relationship between one's interests and possible career choices.

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