READ PLAN TRAINING December 11, 2013 Creating the READ plan for Students with Significant Reading Deficiencies
THREE KEY IDEAS FOR TODAY Collaboration-classroom teacher, parent, support teachers and administration Urgency Living Document-Growth
WHAT ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES? Train your K-3 teachers – how to complete a READ Plan Parent Conference Expectations Timeline-plans written and parent conference completed by Feb. 21 Answer questions
WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR? DRA2, DRA2 Progress Monitoring and DRA2 Word Analysis Training for identification and confirmation Identification of students with significant reading deficiencies Input of initial and confirmation data Diagnostic assessment administered (STARS Early Lit or i-Ready) Interventions implemented based on student’s needs
DISTRICT 51 NUMBERS (As of Dec. 5, 2013) : Grade Level Percent Identified with Significant Reading Deficiency Kindergarten17% First5% Second26% Third23%
WINTER TIDBITS Student new to District 51- Class at a Glance First graders Input data-Assessment Page- READ Link How do I know if my new student has already been identified?
PREPARATION FOR BEGINNING THE READ PLAN Print off the most current diagnostic assessment report (STARS Early Lit or i-Ready) If STARS Early Lit, have completed spreadsheet document Collect anecdotal notes Collect data from any interventions already implemented since beginning of year Grade level Minimum Competency Skill Levels Document
PREPARATION FOR WRITING TOMMY’S READ PLAN Print off the most current diagnostic assessment report (STARS Early Lit or i-Ready) If STARS Early Lit, have completed spreadsheet document Collect anecdotal notes Collect data from any interventions already implemented since beginning of year Grade level Minimum Competency Skill Levels Document
CREATE A READ PLAN Take notes on your screen shots of the READ Plan Remember this is a living document There will be minor improvements as the year progresses but not drastic changes.
READ PLAN CONFERENCE Completed by February 21 Any teacher who has more than 6 students to conference with parents about, he/she will be compensated ½ hour for each additional conference at the summer school hourly rate. (i.e. 8 kids will equal one hour of pay) Share information (interim assessment, diagnostic assessment, priority goals, intervention) from READ Plan (teachers may have already written everything EXCEPT for the family component section) Complete, with parent present, the family component section including the “READ Plan discussed and signed” under “Select Parent Communication” Print and have parents sign READ Plan