2013 ASAP PLAN Northwest Washington Little League (NWLL) Washington, DC 1
Qualified Safety Plan Requirements 1.League Safety Officer: Brendan Furlong on file with Little League Headquarters. 2.Publish & distribute a paper copy of the safety manual: Northwest Washington Little League will distribute a paper copy of this Safety Manual to all Managers/ coaches and other league Volunteers Northwest Washington Little League will distribute a copy of our safety plan and ASAP newsletters to all members via , and have copies available on our web site: 3. Emergency Phone Numbers: Police &Fire/Rescue 911 League President: Paul Donnellan League Secretary: Nick Femia League Player Agent: Chris O’Brien League Treasurer: Bob Cumby League Safety Officer: Brendan Furlong League Equipment Officer: Bob Cumby League Skills Directors Brian McKenna and Tim Park This list will be posted on NWLL's website: 2
Volunteer Registration Form: NWLL screens all Managers, coaches, league officials and other volunteers. All volunteers are required to register online via Sport Signup, submit to a background check done by Lexus Nexus, and complete LL Volunteer Application. 5. Fundamentals Training: April 7, 2013 At least one manager/coach from each team must attend the training. Every manager/coach will attend this training at least once every 3 years. Training will be held at Friendship Field a. Basic warm-up procedures b. Safe practices and running drills. 3
6. First Aid Training: Northwest Washington Little League will require at least one manager/coach from each team to attend. Every manager/coach must attend this training once every 3 years. The training will include: a. Heat illness warning signs b. AED training for board members c. Basic CPR training d. What to do in the event of an emergency 7. Coaches and umpires will be required to walk/inspect the fields prior to practices and Games. Use facility form for issues/problems and give to Field Maintenance for repairs/corrections. (See attached form.) 4
8. Northwest Washington Little League has completed and updated our 2013 Facility Survey on-line. 9. Concession Stand Safety: NWLL Does not have concession stands. 10. Regular Inspection and Replacement of Equipment: The League Safety Officer and Equipment Manager will Inspect all equipment in the pre-season. Managers/Coaches will inspect equipment prior to each game. Umpires will be asked to inspect equipment prior to each game. 5
11. Implement Prompt Accident Reporting: Northwest Washington Little League will use the provided incident tracking form from the Little League website and will provide completed Accident forms to Safety Officer within hours of the incident. (Please see copy of accident Reporting form.) Team parents will be asked to watch for safety hazards and provide feedback. 12. First Aid Kit at each Game & Practice: Each team will be issued a First Aid Kit and will be required to have it at every practice and game. 6
13.Enforce Little League rules including proper equipment: Northwest Washington Little League will require ALL TEAMS to enforce ALL Little League Rules or League Adopted Variations. (Including, but not limited to): a. Proper Equipment for catchers(including throat guards) b. No On-deck batters c. Coaches will not warm up pitchers d. Bases will disengage on all fields Northwest Washington Little League will utilize Reduced Injury Factor (RIF) baseballs and softballs until the Minors Division. RIF factor balls increase in hardness each year from T-ball through the Prep program. Northwest Washington Little League will utilize the protective plastic barrier on top of all fencing around the field of play for all age groups where the fence may be in play. 7
Northwest Washington Little League will provide helmets with face guards to any team or player that would like to have the extra protection. Northwest Washington Little League will encourage all boys to have a protective cup and require catchers to wear one for practices and games. 14. Other: Commissioners for each division (along with umpires and chief umpire for AAA and Majors) will be responsible for calling games for weather or safety related issues. All coaches, commissioners and umpires are required to enforce NWLL’s inclement weather/lightning policies. Policies are posted on our website 8