Purpose of the Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

Strategy for Disaster & Climate Resilient Development in the Pacific (SRDP)

Purpose of the Workshop To provide an opportunity to you, as Development Partners, to: Learn more about the Roadmap process for the development of a new integrated strategy on CC and DRM for the region Understand how you can contribute to this process Provide input into the development of the new strategy through feedback and perspectives from your own work and experience Identify ways to continue your engagement with the Roadmap process

The “Roadmap”?

The “Roadmap Process” The process towards a “Strategy for Disaster and Climate Resilient Development in the Pacific region” (SRDP) New strategy will be different from the previous ones: It will integrate CC response and DRM into one single strategy and will replace the two existing regional frameworks, expiring in 2015 (PIFACC and RFA) 

Background Hyogo Framework for Action, 2005 Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change, 2005 Pacific DRR & DM Framework for Action, 2005 Pacific Plan, 2005

Theme 1: Implementing adaptation measures Theme 2: Governance and decision making Theme 3: Improve understanding of climate change Theme 4: Education Training and Awareness Theme 5: Mitigation of global greenhouse emissions Theme 6: Partnership and cooperation Theme 1: Governance – organisational, institutional, policy and decision-making frameworks Theme 2: Knowledge, information, public awareness and education Theme 3: Analysis and evaluation of hazards, vulnerabilities and elements at risk Theme 4: Planning for effective preparedness, response and recovery Theme 5: Effective, integrated and people-focused early warning systems Theme 6: Reduction of underlying risk factors

The “Roadmap Process” Mirroring on-going CC/DRM integration efforts at national level A Challenge: It involves bringing together several communities of practice: Climate Change (including CCA and CCM) Disaster Risk Management (including DRR and DM) A great Reward: The Pacific is the first region in the world to develop an integrated CC/DRM strategy.

Why an integrated strategy? Recognition of CC/DRM overlaps and shared focus on reducing risk & increasing resilience Better coordination on common issues Reduced duplication of efforts More efficient use of capacity and resources Improved coherence across policies and plans More effective mainstreaming of CC/DRM across the various development sectors

Why an integrated strategy? Climate Change is likely to increase the intensity of climate related hazards Climate Change will causes ecosystem degradation, reduction in food and water availability, and changes in communities’ livelihoods that in turn increases vulnerability Hazard x Vulnerability = Disaster Risk Both DRR and CCA strategies seek to decrease communities vulnerability to risks and promote resilience Both disaster and climate risks hinder sustainable development

The Roadmap Deliverables Strategy for disaster and climate resilient development in the Pacific (SRDP) Progress report for existing regional frameworks for DRM and CC (RFA and PIFACC) Compendium of case studies for DRM and CC in the Pacific The three to be developed concurrently

The Roadmap Process Led by a Steering Committee: Members are PICT reps from: Pacific Climate Change Roundtable (PCCR) Pacific Meteorological Council (PMC) SPREP Meeting SPC CRGA Pacific Regional Disaster Managers Meeting (RDMM) Forum of Economic Ministers Meeting (FEMM) + One representative for the 3 French Territories Members jointly representing the interests of the Pacific region ->>

Role of the Steering Committee The Steering Committee has been established to provide leadership and guidance over the Roadmap process Review and comment on the format and content of the draft strategy and other deliverables Take decisions on the strategic direction of the Roadmap process Endorse deliverables that will be submitted for official endorsement in 2014 and 2015. ->>

The Roadmap Process Supported by a Technical Working Group + 2 Regional Advisors Role of the TWG: Support the development of SC meetings’ agendas Facilitate SC meetings Support the engagement and consultation process (of national stakeholders, development partners, etc.) Review and comment on Roadmap deliverables and related documents before submission to the SC Support information and communication efforts (draft info/comm plan is being developed)

TWG and Steering Committee Meetings 1st TWG Meeting 5th August 2013 (Fiji) 2nd TWG Meeting 12th Sept 2013 (Samoa) 1st SC Meeting 13th Sept 2013 (Samoa) 3rd TWG Meeting December 2013 (Fiji) 2nd SC Meeting December 2013 (Fji) 4th TWG Meeting March 2014 (Fiji) 3rd SC Meeting

Engagement & Consultations Our ‘philosophy’ The Roadmap process is to be… As inclusive as possible. All relevant stakeholders being given the opportunity to contribute Based on the concept of continual engagement with the various stakeholders rather than on a ‘one off consultation” Led and owned by Pacific Island Countries and Territories Visible and Transparent

Engagement & Consultations Countries & Territories Invite PICTs to establish their own process for ongoing involvement in Roadmap process TWG + Regional Advisors to provide assistance for implementation of national consultations Use of existing mechanisms when possible (ex. JNAP processes, national CC/DRM platforms, PACC or GCCA steering committee meetings, etc.) Dedicated national consultations Table identifying for each PICT: TWG contact point, in-country focal point and national mechanism to use ->>

Engagement & Consultations Development Partners and Donors Ensure relevant development partners and donors are active participants in the Roadmap process Use coordination mechanisms such as the Development Partners for Climate Change (DPCC) and the Coordinating Committee of the Pacific DRM Partnership Network (CoCo) Special session of the DPCC for consultations: November 6th 2013

Engagement & Consultations NGOs, Private Sector, Emergency Managers and Humanitarian Actors Work through such mechanisms as: Pacific Islands Association of NGOs (PIANGO) Pacific Regional Non-Governmental Organizations (PRNGO) Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International (FSPI) Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) Pacific Islands Private Sector Organization (PIPSO) three dedicated stakeholder workshops (Oct/Nov 2013) Humanitarian Community: within the Pacific Humanitarian Team meeting (November 2013) Private Sector – Today! Civil Society Organizations

Engagement & Consultations Continual Engagement with All Regular updates & discussions at regional meetings: Pacific Climate Change Roundtable (July 2013- Fiji) Regional Disasters Managers Meeting (July 2013- Fiji) Joint meeting of the PCCR & PPDRM (July 2013- Fiji) Pacific Plan Action Committee Meeting (August 2013 - Fiji) SPREP Meeting (September, 2013 - Samoa) Science, Technology & Resources Conference (STAR) (October 2013 - Cook Islands) SPC CRGA Meeting (November 2013 – Fiji)

Endorsement & Approval Process July 2014 - Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management - Out of session Pacific Climate Change Roundtable* September 2014 SPREP Meeting November 2014 SPC Governing Council August 2015 Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting

Information & Communication A Communications Team made up of the Core Group of the TWG (SPC, SPREP, UNISDR) is being established First draft of an information & communication plan has been drafted and is being discussed Plans to develop an online consultations tool ( the draft SRDP and related documents to be available online and open for comments & reviews) Currently all relevant documents are uploaded on the Pacific Disaster Net.

Any Questions?

Thank-you Thank you

Group Work 1 Contributions of the Private Sector to Enhancing the Resilience of Development In small groups: Please identify ways in which the private sector can contribute to resilient development, including through strengthened risk management; low carbon development; strengthened preparedness, response and recovery; and clarification and management of emerging issues.

Group Work 2 Ensuring Effective and Efficient Implementation a) Decision Making – how can the private sector help ensure that decisions are well informed and actioned? b) Institutional Arrangements/Coordination - how might institutional arrangements best be rationalised and strengthened so that the private sector can play more active and effective roles in improving coordination and achieving more effective partnerships, including through improvements in communications and advocacy? c) Mobilization of Resources – what roles can the private sector play to achieve improvements related to information, knowledge building, human resources development, financial resources, standards, good practices, and building on lessons? d) Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation – what are the key elements of a system that will support a regular assessment of the implementation of the SRDP,?