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Presentation transcript:

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A We provide i n f o r m a t i o n

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A Energy Balances – Data and Models for Energy Balance Compilation Some strategic thoughts Wolfgang Bittermann 4th OCG Meeting « Session 11», Ottawa © STATISTICS AUSTRIA information We provide

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A Ideality versus Reality  To have a comprehensive database based on statistical surveys and enough resources and time  Surveys are costly in any case (time, money and work), the resources are limited again in all cases and to reduce respondents burden is the order of the day

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 3 answers you need before compiling energy balances  How many resources (time/manpower/money) are available to conduct additional surveys?  What (potential) data sources are already available?  Where the missing information could be collected with the resources available?

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A A lot of (necessary!) examples How Energy Balances should look like How surveys should be designed How data could be checked What models could be used How to handle statistical differences Best practices And And…..

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A The situation in each single country is different concerning  Data availability  Legal and socioeconomic background  Resources availability  Fuels available and/or used  Climate background  And  And…… But…..

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A  All “simple” models and “new” ideas I proposed to close data gaps, to implement new processes or fuels into the energy balances, to increase accuracy or generally spoken to improve the energy balances with “cheap” instruments were welcomed by my customers – except some ideas concerning additional surveys - and the proposed surveys which were not accepted were refused because of their high costs The main lesson learned from 15 years energy statistics

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A  All the rules, methodologies, examples are very helpfully, but I succeeded only if I was able to convince my counterparts to find their own specific solutions for their specific national problems, mostly by establishing good cooperation between all involved bodies The main lesson learned from 5 years energy consultancy

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A  Data problems make your life sometimes difficult but if you try you normally you can solve them by developing models, using technical coefficients and experts assessments as the second best solution and there is only one important standard: data quality as well as survey structure, statistical methods and models used always have to be well and comprehensively documented. Otherwise you have a serious reliability problem The main message and….

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A …the final conclusion Best practices are absolutely necessary to be included but IRES should encourage it’s users not to take them over one to one but rather to try to develop their specific national solutions

S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A Thank you for your attention