North America Territorial Dynamics
I. U.S. Core and Peripheries A. Main core of the US – Main core of the world Northeast + Manufacturing Belt Political & economic core of US Power 45% of industrial jobs Megalopolis Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. #1 world gathering of political, economic, financial & cultural powers Rust Belt Crisis of traditional heavy industry automobile industry in Detroit, textiles Industrial redevelopment Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo
B. Growing integrated periphery Sun Belt Oil deposits, high technology, aerospace, robotics, biotechnologies Very Attractive & integrated periphery Regions of major growth Major cities & high tech industries Silicon Valley in California Silicon Beach in Miami Silicon Prairie in Texas Cascadia around Seattle Revitalized old south by tourism (e.g. Miami) and new technologies (Atlanta, Research Triangle Park)
The Sun Belt and Population Growth Trends 2000-2010
C. Margins of US territory used by the core Corn Belt and Great Plains: Agro-industrial core of the US and breakbasket of the world Rocky Mountains, natural areas (National Parks) Low density of population Tourism, exploitation of natural resources, energy Remote States: Hawaii (tourism & tropical agriculture) Alaska (oil deposits and geostrategic location)
II. Territorial Dynamics which demonstrate US world power US power concentrated in urban areas World/global cities, urban core of the world NYC, Washington, D.C., LA, Chicago Major metropolises with national or international influence New metropolises in progress Attracting millions of inhabitants & diverse economic activities (service sectors & R&D development)
Revitalization of business & residential areas of urban centers of US cities in late 20th century Economic factors Expansion of service sector, quaternary sector, research facilities Growth in small businesses – residential districts surrounding city core Demand for housing in downtown & inner-city neighborhoods Demographic factors New household forms : DINKS, yuppies, nontraditional households Urban policy Govt/non-profit orgs to revitalize central cities through public policies and incentives City investment policies/tax incentives Public-private partnerships Historic preservation Sense of place Emotional attachment to central-city locations based on cultural amenities, landscape features, lifestyle factors Video: Dismantling Urban Highways/Reimagining the Commons: Philadelphia
B. Interfaces open the USA to the world Main maritime interfaces w/ dynamic ports San Francisco, Houston, Miami, NYC Flows of capital, goods & workers on dynamic cross-border areas Mexamerica and the maquiladoras Main Street Cascadia Major intl airports (hubs) What are the 8 major hubs? Internal migration flows (labor force & capital) Strengthen southern periphery External migration flows (immigration) strengthen the Sun Belt
C. Regional and global integration of the US NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Dynamic economic exchanges benefiting the US Main waterways linking the US to rest of world Mississippi, Great Lakes & St Lawrence River) Main intl flows w/ Triad Eastern Asia & Western Europe