A Unique Lifestyle Chapter 7. Bell Activity  Your words are “proposed” & “petition”  Find the word on your purple study guide and complete the following.


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Presentation transcript:

A Unique Lifestyle Chapter 7

Bell Activity  Your words are “proposed” & “petition”  Find the word on your purple study guide and complete the following information for the word.  Find the definition using a glossary.  Use your own knowledge and experience to complete the rest of the definition.  Where should your backpack be? This is a no gum class. Please dispose of it properly!

Word: propose My Understanding: Definition:Draw a picture of it: Sentence: Synonym/ Example: Antonym/Non- Example: Does your work look something like this?

Word: propose My Understanding: Definition: to offer or suggest Draw a picture of it: Sentence: When Utah first asked to become a state, the president proposed making it a part of California. Synonym/ Example: suggest, offer, recommend Antonym/Non- Example: ordered, forced Does your work look something like this?

Word: petition My Understanding: Definition:Draw a picture of it: Sentence: Synonym/ Example: Antonym/Non- Example: Does your work look something like this?

Word: petition My Understanding: Definition: a formal request Draw a picture of it: Sentence: Regions that want to become part of the United States must petition for admittance. Synonym/ Example: ask, lobby, appeal Antonym/Non- Example: demand, command, order Does your work look something like this?

Today we will learn…  History Objective – We will describe the lifestyle in Utah during the 1850s-70s.  Behavior Objective – Collaboration and Work Ethic: We will help each other understand this part of the chapter, and complete our assignment.  Language Objective – We will read for important details and write what we learn in a graphic organizer.

All books must be turned in on Monday!  If you do not turn in your book on Monday, you will be calling home for it Monday and Tuesday.  If you remember it or don’t have one checked out, you will get a treat on Wednesday!

What was life like in these early settlements?  If you had lived back in pioneer times, your life would have been very different than today.  With your group, read your section of the chapter and create a graphic organizer showing the characteristics that made life in a Mormon settlement at this time different than it is today.  A Unique Lifestyle –

*Read pages and create a graphic organizer like the one to the right. *Include things that were different about life back at this time than your life today. A Unique Lifestyle: Life in LDS Settlements Government Polygamy Jobs Problems Celebrations Food Clothes Miscellaneous

A Unique Lifestyle Check your list of the 4-5 most important details from each section. A Unique Lifestyle (129) *Church leaders were also the leaders of the government. *Religious leaders, like Bishops and Stake Presidents, made decisions about everyday life. *Land was given based on needs, and extra food would be given to the bishop to distribute to those who needed it. (communal) *Immigrants would be given jobs quickly so they could contribute to the community and earn food, etc that they were given. Plural Marriage (130) *Members of the LDS Church saw polygamy as a commandment, the rest of the country thought it was immoral. *Stats varied in time and place, but in general polygamy was practiced by a minority of Mormons. *Small towns had more polygamists than cities. *Most polygamist men had 2 or 3 wives; polygamist wives often had their own house to manage. *Religious leaders, like Brigham Young, had many more wives.

A Unique Lifestyle Check your list of the 4-5 most important details from each section. Food and Clothing (131) *During the early years, Utahns were often without enough food. *They hunted and gathered in addition to farming, sharing what they had. *People rarely had new clothes, wore them until they were rags, & made clothes from what they could find (like potato sacks). Young girls learned to sew to provide clothes for their families. Celebrations (131) *Celebrations helped to make people’s lives less monotonous. *Utahns celebrated national holidays, like the Fourth of July and Christmas. *They also had their own holidays, like Pioneer Day (July 24) *Parades, speeches, concerts, and dances were common entertainment at celebrations. *Visits from religious leaders, like Brigham Young, were also cause for celebrations. Let’s Dance (131) *Singing, dancing, plays, etc were common forms of everyday entertainment. *Every town had a band and a choir, most also had an acting company. *Dance parties were often held for events like a new building being completed.

A Unique Lifestyle Check your list of the 4-5 most important details from each section. A Unique Lifestyle (129) *Church leaders were also the leaders of the government. *Religious leaders, like Bishops and Stake Presidents, made decisions about everyday life. *Land was given based on needs, and extra food would be given to the bishop to distribute to those who needed it. (communal) *Immigrants would be given jobs quickly so they could contribute to the community and earn food, etc that they were given. Plural Marriage (130) *Members of the LDS Church saw polygamy as a commandment, the rest of the country thought it was immoral. *Stats varied in time and place, but in general polygamy was practiced by a minority of Mormons. *Small towns had more polygamists than cities. *Most polygamist men had 2 or 3 wives; polygamist wives often had their own house to manage. *Religious leaders, like Brigham Young, had many more wives.

A Unique Lifestyle Check your list of the 4-5 most important details from each section. Food and Clothing (131) *During the early years, Utahns were often without enough food. *They hunted and gathered in addition to farming, sharing what they had. *People rarely had new clothes, wore them until they were rags, & made clothes from what they could find (like potato sacks). Young girls learned to sew to provide clothes for their families. Celebrations (131) *Celebrations helped to make people’s lives less monotonous. *Utahns celebrated national holidays, like the Fourth of July and Christmas. *They also had their own holidays, like Pioneer Day (July 24) *Parades, speeches, concerts, and dances were common entertainment at celebrations. *Visits from religious leaders, like Brigham Young, were also cause for celebrations. Let’s Dance (131) *Singing, dancing, plays, etc were common forms of everyday entertainment. *Every town had a band and a choir, most also had an acting company. *Dance parties were often held for events like a new building being completed.

A Great Gathering Read with your group and make a list of the four most important details. A Great Gathering (126) Foreign Immigrants (126) Perpetual Immigration Fund (126) Called to Settle a New Place (127) Reasons for Settlement (127) Patterns of Mormon Settlements (128)

A Great Gathering A Great Gathering (126) *New Mormon converts were encouraged to go to Utah. *Brigham Young wanted them to strengthen Utah’s settlements in case of persecution. *Young also needed skilled workers, like architects, weavers, stonemasons, & printers. *Later he wanted people who knew how to make glass, sugar, or that could herd sheep & produce wool. Foreign Immigrants (126) * Perpetual Immigration Fund (126) *

A Great Gathering Called to Settle a New Place (127) * Reasons for Settlement (127) * Patterns of Mormon Settlements (128) *