Andrea Morgans Programme Area Leader Faculty of HE Teaching and Learning
To consider the effectiveness of the assessment processes used within your practice
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler’. Albert Einstein
‘Knowledge is experience, everything else is just information’. ‘I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn’.
Formative ‘ having a strong influence in the development of something’ Oxford English Dictionary (2002)
Also known as ‘Assessment for Learning’, requires tutors to assess students regularly to identify problems and offer support to overcome them. Other features include comment only marking and both peer and self-assessment AfL is based on the idea that students will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim and how to achieve the aim.
‘carried out at the end of a period of time, or the end of a programme of study.’ Assessment designed to be used to determine grades or marks.
Create a list of ways in which you assess students Aim to have about 6 ways You have 5 minutes
Split into two groups and discuss whether your approaches are formative or summative. Record all formative methods on yellow and all summative methods on orange.
High learning payoff Low learning payoff Highly efficientNot highly efficient
Bearing in mind your results determine whether the more effective are formative or summative Discuss how you could change some of the less effective methods for more effective ones
Consider whether you differentiate the methods used in assessment to ensure all your learners have the best possible chance of achieving their full potential. Do you mostly use an essay format? Could you try something else that would still meet the assessment objective?
Using the scenarios discuss differentiated assessment methods that could be used to assess the criteria. Critically discuss their effectiveness and determine the most appropriate method Think outside the box!!
Any questions