Bienvenidos a la clase de espanol Sra. Bednar D-94
Course objectives Throughout the course we will strive to fulfill the national standards of communication, culture, communities and connections in a variety of venues. Students must learn to understand spoken Spanish, communicate with native speakers, and make cultural connections to multi- ethnic communities, in addition to reading and writing in the target language. In order to achieve our goals, students must use a wide variety of techniques and materials, such as: Internet, CDROM, audio compact discs and printed materials
What do you need? textbook cover pencils/pens (blue or black ink only) highlighters 1 or 1 ½ in. binder with 5 dividers and plenty of paper 1) vocabulario (sheets from teacher webpage) 2) Apuntes 3) Trabajo de la clase 4) Starter and Closers: Collins writings 5) Tarea Spanish/English dictionary *tissues or clorox wipes are optional
How do you succeed? Be on time Be seated from bell to bell Be prepared Bring your own book, supplies, etc. Study frequently Keep electronic devices, i.e. cell phones, on silent and out of sight Be organized Get help immediately Be kind and respectful.
Grading Homework 5 pts. Quizzes30-35 pts. Tests and projects100 pts. Writing and speaking assessments20 pts. Quarterly notebook grade25 pts. **no extra credit will be given except on chapter tests. **homework may be “checked” with a pop quiz.
Contact information Phone: x2194