Code of Conduct and Attendance
Integrity: to integrate one’s values and beliefs into any activity Academic Integrity: doing one’s own work to the best of one’s ability, without the unauthorized help or assistance of someone else Unethical Academic Conduct: Cheating Plagiarism Falsification of sources
Excessive tardiness: three or more incidents of reporting late to school or class during a calendar month Distraction of students: any behavior that is disruptive to the educational process Non-conformity to dress code Minor Disruption on a school bus Inappropriate public display of affection
Littering of school property Failure to come to class prepared Unauthorized use of school or another person’s personal property Possession of a nuisance item
First Violation: Principal/teacher/student conference, parental contact, or in-school parental conference if needed. ISD may be assigned. Second Violation: ISD, Saturday School, or Early Warning Program referral
Defiance or disrespect Possession and/or use of any medications or inhalants Possession of any tobacco product Intentionally touching striking or touching a person against the will of the other Use of obscene language or possession of inappropriate material Bullying or threatening students
Vandalism Skipping class or school Academic dishonesty Intentionally providing false information to a school board employee (lying to a teacher) Stealing Possession of stolen property
Possession of firecrackers on school property Inappropriate sexual behavior Use of obscene gestures Use of cell-phones and MP3 players Use of racial or ethnic insults or slurs (verbal or written) Any offence which the principal finds reasonable
Class II Violations are serious enough that they may require an in-school parental conference plus the appropriate disciplinary action. First and second violation: parental notification and one or more of the following: ISD Suspension Saturday School Juvenile Detention Subsequent violations: Suspension up to ten school days; possible contact with law enforcement, referral to the Early Warning Program, Alternative School, or Juvenile Court
Charge of a misdemeanor crime Misuse or abuse of any medications or inhalants Stealing Vandalism Possession of any dangerous device Unauthorized demonstrations or disorderly activities Threat, harassment, striking, or intimidation of any Shelby County Board Member
The intentional threat, bullying, intimidation, or harassment of a student Fighting Directing profane or obscene gestures to a Shelby County Board Member Sexual harassment Unauthorized use and/or misuse of computers Providing false information to a Shelby County Board Member
Unjustly activating a fire alarm system or other emergency system Assault Misuse and/or abuse of cell-phone The attempt to circumvent the school’s computer filtering system Any offence which the principal finds reasonable.
The disciplinary action for such violations committed on school premises or during school related functions shall be suspension from school up to ten days with possible recommendation for expulsion or referral to Alternative School. Parental contact will be made as soon as possible. Law enforcement and/or juvenile court shall be contacted and a complaint may be filed.
Sale, possession, misuses, and/or abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs Arson Assault Possession or discharging a dangerous weapon on campus Sexual misconduct Robbery Bomb threats
Possession of a handgun: results in expulsion from the Shelby County School System for a period of not less than one year Intentionally providing false information to a member of the Shelby County Board of Education Misuse or abuse of drugs Any second major offense from the Class III category Any offence which the principal finds reasonable.
The disciplinary action for such violations committed on school premises or during school related functions shall be suspension from school up to ten days with possible recommendation for expulsion or referral to Alternative School. Parental contact will be made as soon as possible. Law enforcement and/or juvenile court shall be contacted and a complaint may be filed.
Additional disciplinary actions may result in one of the following: Additional suspension days or other disciplinary action Long-term assignments to the Alternative School Expulsion from the Shelby County School System
To maintain order and discipline in the schools and to protect the safety of students and school personnel, school authorities may search a student, student lockers, or student vehicles and may seize any illegal, unauthorized, or contraband materials discovered in the search. The search teams may use specially trained dogs and metal detectors.
Shelby County understands that parents need to reach their children and that the cell phone is a necessity; however, cell phones brought to school should be stored in the student’s locker or vehicle. The school is NOT responsible for attempting to recover lost or stolen cell phones when student have not properly stored them in their locker or vehicle.
Cell phones can not be visible or audible during the instructional day. If a cell phone is seen or heard, it is to be taken from the student and given to a school administrator. The student must give up the phone when asked, including the SIM card. The following consequences may be applied: First Offense: ISD Second Offense: Out of School Suspension Third Offense: Alternative School Referral
No thin strapped shirts unless worn with a t-shirt underneath Low-cut, open back, bare midriff shirts are not permitted Skirts, shorts, and dresses must be mid-thigh or longer in front and back; no slits or leg openings may be above mid-thigh Leggings should be worn with the appropriate outer garment (skirts must be of appropriate length) Unhemmed or cut-off shorts or skirts or garments with holes or inappropriate slits are not allowed
No obscene language or illegal advertisements on clothing No hats or caps Belts must be worn at the waist Pants worn too low, too long, too large, too tight, or too loose are not permitted. No metal chains, spiked apparel, over-sized belt buckles or accessories
No sunglasses No sweatpants or pajama pants Students should wear appropriate shoes at all times Nose, tongue, eyebrow jewelry and visible tattoos are discouraged Hair should be the color of normal hair Appropriate undergarments must be worn and not visible
Any student in grades 6-12 who accumulates more than twelve absences during the school is subject to being retained in the same grade the succeeding year. Absences beyond twelve must be documented with a doctor's or court’s excuse or permission of the principal.