1 The Challenges and Pitfalls of Arabic Romanization and Arabization The CJK Dictionary Institute, Inc. المؤسسة المعجمية للغات الشرقية 日中韓辭典研究所 Jack Halpern CEO
2 Automatic Romanizer of Arabic Names ARAN الناقل اللغوي الآلي للأسماء العربي
3 Non-Arabic Name Arabizer NANA نعنع نقل عربي
4 Diphthong Ambiguity for 福井 /fu-ku-i/
5 Long and Short Vowels
6 *Only one popular variant is shown, but in reality there could be dozens. For example, for قابوس AVAN generates Qabuus, Qabus, Qabous, Qabooss, … and many more. Output from ARAN modules
7 ARAN Processing of قابوس /qAbws/
9 Major Arabic Romanization Systems Example: شولوخ
10 Sample output from ADAN module
11 Variation in Arabic Names
12 MSA Flavors
13 Popular Transcriptions
14 Variation in Arabic Names
15 English-to-Arabic Errors
16 Variants and Errors