( add local host info – see notes) Literacy Awareness in Ontario Literacy: A lifelong journey
What is literacy? Literacy is the ability to understand and use printed information in daily activities at home, at work, and in the community
People with literacy skills… … have more choices about their lives, and more control over those choices …are more likely to lead healthier lives, earn more money and help their children grow to be the best they can be
What do literacy skills do? Literacy skills help people: -find information -set goals -work with others -solve problems -make decisions
What do you know about literacy? What can you do with literacy skills? If you did not have literacy skills, how do you think it would affect you in your everyday life?
Literacy skills mean you can… Read to your child Write a grocery list Apply for a job Find a street Order from a menu Use a bank machine Travel Read your birthday card Follow a recipe Apply for a license Help with school work Write a love letter
Why is it important to promote literacy in Ontario? In Ontario, 1.4 million people are not able to read well enough to carry out daily tasks Only 10% of Ontarians are getting the literacy help they need
Why is it important to promote literacy in Ontario? In Ontario, over 50% of adults have poor numeracy performance and 42% have poor literacy performance 65.1% of people with low literacy skills are of prime working age (22-65). Remaining competitive in the knowledge- based economy is essential for Ontario’s economic success. Having said that…
Why is literacy important in our community? (See notes)
A Personal Journey (See notes)
Did you know?… Literacy touches work! Literacy levels affect the kind of jobs people find, how much they earn and how easy it is for them to upgrade their work skills A 2005 C.D. Howe Institute Report, stated that a 1% increase in literacy skills would result in a 1.5% increase in income and a 2.5% increase in permanent productivity
Did you know? …Literacy touches families! Caregivers are a child’s first teacher and influence their attitudes towards school and learning more generally Caregivers use literacy skills to help their children learn at home and to help them do well at school
Did you know?… Literacy touches health! People need literacy skills to: Read a prescription Understand what a doctor or nurse tells them Understand why exercise, diet and eating well is important
Did you know?… Literacy touches crime! On average, offenders have lower literacy skills than the general population Literacy programs can help those at risk have more opportunities for education and employment and thus become less likely to offend
About Us
Literacy Programs
About the OLC We are partnering with the Ontario Literacy Coalition (OLC) on this campaign The OLC is a membership-based organization that supports all levels of Anglophone literacy in Ontario The OLC’s membership is made up of literacy programs and networks, individuals, and other organizations interested in literacy
Thank you!
Literacy: A lifelong journey Keeping the momentum going What can you do to support literacy in our community?