Transition Day 2014 Thursday 10 th July
Contents of your Information Pack Lunch and Bus Option Form Behaviour Policy Code of Conduct Mobile Phone and Device Policy Homework Policy Home/School Agreement Travel information
Transport Term Dates Curriculum Electives Catering Monitoring Progress
Transport Prices Three types of ticket are available: In advance from the Peter Reynolds website Half term - £90 Term - £180 Whole year - £540 This works out as £1.42 per journey In advance on the bus 10 journeys - £15 This works out as £1.50 per journey Single cash fare on the bus - £2.00 Still the cheapest bus of all local schools
Term Dates Autumn term Monday 1 st September 2014 to Friday 19 th December 2014 INSET – Monday 1 st and Tuesday 2 nd September, pupils start Wednesday 3 rd September Half term – Monday 27 th October 2014 to Friday 31 st October Spring term Monday 5 th January 2015 to Thursday 2 nd April 2015 INSET – Monday 5 th and Tuesday 6 th January Half term – Monday 16 th February 2015 to Friday 20 th February 2015 Summer term Monday 20 th April 2015 to Wednesday 22 nd July INSET – Monday 20 th and Tuesday 21 st April May Bank Holiday: Monday 4 th May 2014 Half Term – Monday 25 th May 2014 to Friday 29 th May 2014
TimeSubject/Activity 8.00am School opens for pupils 8.30am Registration 8.40am English 9.30am Mathematics 10.20am Break 10.35am Accelerated Reader 11.05am Science 11.55am Spanish 12.45pm Lunch 1.25pm Humanities 2.15pm Creative Arts 3.05pm Electives 4.05pm Registration 4.15pm End of school day
TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8.00am School opens 8.30am Registration 8.40am English 9.30am Mathematics 10.20am Break 10.35am Accelerated Reader 11.05am TechnologyScience 11.55am House TimeSpanishCCRSpanish 12.45pm Lunch 1.25pm Humanities PE, Sport and Games Humanities PE, Sport and Games Humanities 2.15pm Creative ArtsMusicCreative Arts 3.05pm Electives Registration 4.05pm Registration 3.15pm - End of day 4.15pm End of day
Electives Monday to Thursday Choice of up to five activities each day Sports, Arts, Music Literacy and Numeracy Homework Club Other opportunities – Chess Club, Debating, DIY Options presented and chosen by pupils in the first week
Catering Provided by Hertfordshire Catering Hot and cold options Breakfast club Cashless payments via SchoolMoney – also used for trip and uniform payments
Monitoring Progress Arbor Online database record of: Attendance Behaviour Progress Communication Parent portal accessible from
Working Together What do you want to know? What do you need to know?
Home/School Agreement Pupil Parent School
Attendance We expect to see your child every day. Illness Medical Appointments Holidays Extenuating Circumstances
Home Learning Each subject – once a week At least two days to complete Homework Help
Celebrating Achievements Reach Points Scout Outs ‘Zilchos’ Phone Home Awards
Uniform and Appearance
Boys wear a tie with a formal shirt. Girls wear a revere collar blouse. Boys and girls can wear trousers. Girls’ skirts should be worn to the middle of the knee. Girls must have the PE shorts but can also purchase the skort.
Uniform and Appearance Footwear must be plain, black leather, flat and formal. Boys and girls must have a pair of appropriate trainers and a pair of studded boots for PE. Shin pads are required for certain sports and a mouth guard is strongly recommended. Make-up, and extreme hairstyles are not permitted.
Mobile phones and devices Cannot be seen or heard inside The Reach Free School. Earphones cannot be seen inside The Reach Free School. Any pupil’s mobile device brought into school is their own responsibility.
Who should you contact? Reception Assistant Teacher Subject Teacher SENCo Deputy Headteacher Headteacher