By: Christian Woolrich
Contents What is a Phone What is a Phone What is a Radio Link What is a Radio Link Origination of the Phone Origination of the Phone Developing Phones Developing Phones Favourite Phones Favourite Phones Why I Chose the Phone Why I Chose the Phone Timeline Timeline END!!! END!!!
A phone is a mobile device that can be used to contact other people around the world. It can make and receive telephone calls while in a range a wide geographic area. When making a call, the receiver gets the call because of a radio link. A radio link is when you make the call it goes to the closest satellite then either goes to the telephone you are calling or goes to another satellite to reach the receiver.
O Antonio Meucci was the creator of the cell phone. But Alexander Graham Bell stole the idea off Antonio because he had more money to make the phone. The cell phone was commercially released in 1983 and was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Dr Martin Cooper. Since then there has been over 6 billion worldwide mobile phone subscriptions.
In the 1980’s phones were only developed to make telephones calls. Nowadays the cell phone is enabled to do many different things. You can search the internet, look at the weather and even talk to it! On the iPhone, Steve Jobs created an application called Siri. Siri is a computer in your iPhone that you can ask questions about how the weather is tomorrow, do I have any appointment tomorrow etc. You can also ask Siri additional question to your question you have just asked. This is unlike any other cell phone.
Favourite Phones Currently my favourite phone is the iPhone. A reason why I like the iPhone is because it’s the only phone I am very used to and because it is one of the Apple products. Another reason is because of its applications. As I mentioned in my other slide, the iPhone has Siri. I like Siri because of all the things she can do. I also don’t mind the HTC One. I like the HTC One because I am familiar with some of the HTC phones. My Dad also has the HTC One and when he bought the phone it came with Beats by Dre. Beats by Dre is a brand of earphones that I like. So I ended up with a free pair of earphones!
* The reason I chose to do a phone instead of anything else is because I thought that I knew more about a phone than any other topic. * I also thought of doing social media but I didn’t have enough information that I knew straight from my brain! I also think that there are better ways to communicate with someone, and if not used safely you could get in trouble.
1983 Motorola DynaTAC 8000X 1989 Motorola MicroTAC 9800X 1992 Motorola International 3200 1996 Motorola StarTAC 1999 Nokia 8210 2003 Nokia 1100 2005 Samsung 2007 iPhone 2012 iPhone4s history history
I hope that you have took this information as a gratitude and that you have learnt many more about phones. Make sure to chose your next phone wisely and straight from the heart!