DynaFAD DynaFAD Dynamic Foundation Analysis and Design Setford Consulting & Technology Ltd. Calgary, Canada 2012
DynaFAD Contents 1. Features 2. Procedures 3. Menus and Details
DynaFAD 1. Features
DynaFAD DynaFAD is a software for dynamic foundation analysis and design With DynaFAD, No manual work is required DynaFAD calculates foundation properties, CG, Eccentricity of Footing DynaFAD visual checks your input DynaFAD assists you to prepare the input of other software DynaFAD Can Read the output of other software, check industrial design criteria
DynaFAD 2. Procedures
DynaFAD Fill input (Setting, Blocks and Masses, Foundation, Soil, Loading, and Points) Visual-Check the input Export to the input file of other software Run other software Import output file of other software Check industrial design criteria
3. Menus
DynaFAD Menu - File
DynaFAD Open (existing file *.fad)
DynaFAD Save or Save As (for future use)
DynaFAD Menu -Input (Please save each page before you leave)
DynaFAD Unit can be changed automatically for all your input Setting
DynaFAD For Your Convenience Unit of Force (kN, or kips) not (N, or lb) Unit Weight of Material (kN/m 3, or kips/ft 3 ) not (N/m 3, or lb/ft 3 ) Unit for Pile Section Properties (mm, or in.) not (m, or ft) All units will be transferred to appropriate unit as required for input file
DynaFAD Blocks and Masses
DynaFAD Foundation
DynaFAD Input Pile Location by Grids
DynaFAD Soil (this page depends on Foundation page)
DynaFAD Numbering of Soil Layers For side Layers, numbering the layers from footing base up, the first layer is the lowest level For pile layered soil, numbering the layers from footing base down, the first layer is the top level.
DynaFAD Loading (Harmonic)
DynaFAD Loading (Transient)
DynaFAD Points
DynaFAD Menu - View (for input checking in XY, XZ, YZ Planes)
DynaFAD 3D View
DynaFAD Blocks (CG, Eccentricity)
DynaFAD XZ Plane
DynaFAD YZ Plane
DynaFAD Masses
DynaFAD Loading
DynaFAD Pile Layout
DynaFAD Soil Profile
DynaFAD Resultant Points
DynaFAD Menu – Tools (Help you for input)
DynaFAD UnBalanced Force (for quadratic only)
DynaFAD Section Properties for Piles
DynaFAD Vertical Transmissibility
DynaFAD Menu - Run
DynaFAD Export (to input file of others)
DynaFAD Internal Report for Foundation Properties
DynaFAD Time History (for Transient Load Only)
DynaFAD Menu – Post Processor
DynaFAD Import (the output file of others)
DynaFAD Graph of Amplitude (CG and Points)
DynaFAD Check Fig of ACI351.3R
DynaFAD Check Fig. 3.9 of ACI351.3R
DynaFAD Check Fig of ACI351.3R
DynaFAD Help
DynaFAD Tooltips