Slideshow B16: Conservation and protection
What is being done to help endangered species? There are several ways we can conserve and protect endangered species: 1 Habitat preservation Habitats need to be protected before they are damaged. By making habitats into national parks and marine protected areas this can be accomplished. A mangrove swamp. Despite conservation measures they continue to be threatened by coastal and offshore development as well as dredging.
2 Habitat restoration – Where a habitat has been harmed it is sometimes possible to restore it. This is done by managing the land or water, removing invasive species and reintroducing native species that had been lost. The dugong is a herbivore and grazes on beds of seagrass. The seagrass beds in the Arabian Gulf have been affected by the dredging of coastal areas for new building projects. It makes the water cloudy and the seagrass cannot grow, which means the dugong has less food. Seagrass beds are now being managed to help protect both them and the dugong.
3 Ex-situ conservation – Many endangered animals are kept in captivity to try and increase their numbers. Sometimes they can be reintroduced to the wild. Plants can be grown in nurseries. Their seeds are stored to ensure that the plants do not disappear. The Pere David’s deer lives in China. It was reintroduced to the 1000 hectare Dafeng Nature Reserve after China’s wild population became extinct over 1000 years ago. The animals were bred at a zoo in the UK.
Some animals, for example the Golden poison arrow frog, have been taken from the wild to protect them from disease. They would not have survived if left in the wild.
4 Anti-poaching measures – Guards can be employed to protect endangered species from poachers. If the local communities are involved then this also provides job opportunities. Mountain gorillas are protected from poachers by armed guards.
5 Wildlife corridors – Sometimes habitats have been broken up by roads, towns or farmland. The animals are unable to move safely around their territory to find resources and mates. The creation of wildlife corridors helps to reconnect this broken up habitat. This bridge enables wildlife to safely cross this busy road.
6 Laws and policies – Some endangered animals and plants are protected by law. They are not allowed to be bought or sold. The laws try to ensure that trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. It is illegal to kill an elephant and to trade in ivory or any other elephant product.
What can you do to help endangered species? Recycle – Help protect the rainforests – recycling one tonne of paper can save 17 trees and preserve the habitat of a whole host of endangered species. Use less energy – You can save money and help the environment too. For example, energy saving light bulbs use 80 percent less energy than a standard bulb, yet produce the same amount of light. Choose sustainable products – Make sure that all the products you buy are sustainably sourced, from food and paper to timber. Make your voice heard – Many campaigns to help wildlife are underway but they need your support. Clean up your act – Volunteer to take part in a litter pick or beach clean up. Get involved – Taking part in wildlife surveys is a fantastic way to get outdoors and find out more about your local wildlife. By assessing what species are present you can help scientists plan how best to protect them in the future. Spread the word – If you are enthusiastic about saving species then why not encourage your friends and family to do more too.