Starting Your Shop Nicole Engdahl JJ van Haelewyn
Overview Getting Started – Setting It Up Making the Ask Overcoming Pitfalls Marketing/Stewardship Appendix - Samples
Getting Started Bank Planned Giving Software Database 800 number Some simple planned giving materials
Basic Building Blocks - Bequests Include language anywhere/everywhere “Have you included us in your will? Here’s how…” Please consider including us in your will or bequest People who put you into their will think of your organization as part of their family.
Basic Building Blocks - Annuities Charitable Gift Annuities Follow ACGA guidelines State Registrations Deferred Gift Annuities Do you want to have them? If yes, do you want to cap them?
Making the Ask Initial Phone Call Sample Questions (Appendix A) What to Send Follow-up Phone Call Tips Visits
Tips on Initial Phone Call What inspired you to call today? What is your connection to us? What do you like most about our work? Have you ever set up an annuity (of any kind) before? Describe CGA in layman’s terms. Do you have a sense of how this will impact our organization? Are there any family members that you would like to take care of and still support us? Do you have any CD’s coming due and what rate are you currently earning? Here’s what other people are in your situation are doing…
What to Send Send SIMPLE letter and basic illustration Describe what they will receive, what it will do for your organization and encourage them to review with their advisor Include personal illustration (PG Calc) Include profile of individual who has set up an annuity (ABC)
Follow-up Phone Call Tips Call 7-10 days after sending materials “I am an officer from NGS who has confidential conversations with people about estate planning.” Confirm that they received materials Avoid questions with yes/no answers What aspect of the CGA most appeals to you? If they say “no” ask: Is it the timing? Is it the amount of the gift? Is it the type of asset?
Visits If possible invite them to your headquarters because that’s where the action is Secure anchor visits first and then fill in with prospects I’m going to be in your area Pick a neutral spot for the first meeting Want to give you an update Won’t ask you for more money Drop by with gift
Visits Ask if you can take notes/take photos Share one or two recent success stories Learn more about their life and interest in your organization Find out if they have created a will Ask them to consider leaving a bequest Ask them to help us spread the word and share their story to inspire others
Overcoming Pitfalls Put it in writing – document everything Urgency – follow up and follow through Space – give them time to consider Gatekeepers – encourage them to go over with everyone who might be involved with the gift Advisors Other Family Other Organizations – we’re all in this together
Marketing Ideas Language Ad Flyers/Leave Behinds Stewardship
Language Include PG language in anything and everything Receipts Have you included us in your will? Would you like to learn more about a charitable gift that gives back? Newsletters Donor stories next to mission stories Press Releases A portion of this project was made possible by the Estate of... tag line
Sample Language I have already included you in my will or other estate plans. I would consider including you in my will. Would you like to know how to increase your income, get a tax deduction and help your favorite charity at the same time?
Donor Ads Having any ad is better than having no ad Get the word out there Having a donor ad is better than a generic ad People relate to other people Having a donor ad with a return is best Highest response came when they could send it in rather than just call (anonymity)
Flyers & Leave Behinds ABCs of program with basics on one side and donor story on the back Overview of Legacy Society Focus on your org’s history and legacy Application/Membership Forms Sometimes you leave right away, sometimes you send later
Stewardship Birthday Cards Valentines Thanksgiving “Thank-a-thon” Holiday Cards Legacy Society Certificate (or other exclusive item; sculpture, paperweight, etc.
Stewardship – other basics Free Subscription to Your Org’s Magazine or Newsletter Invitations to Lectures, Events and Trips Behind the Scenes event Mail/ Updates with “Insider Information” Include Legacy Society in mailing of press releases or quarterly stewardship report
Appendix A. Sample Questions B. Sample Letter C. ABC – Bequest D. ABC – Annuities E. Legacy Society Overview F. CGA Application Form G. Legacy Society Membership Form H. Donor Ad I. Legacy Society Certificate
A. Sample Questions How did you first come to know National Geographic? What about our work do you find the most compelling? Why? What have you read from us that you have enjoyed, found helpful or informative? What do you like to accomplish with your philanthropy? What factors go into your philanthropic decisions? Tell us a little about your background. How and why have you settled on your life’s work? What are the guiding principles that have helped you achieve in your business life? (Personal life?) (Philanthropic life?) (Volunteer life?) To what extent does our work/mission dovetail with your beliefs? How so? If you could pass along a lesson to (the next generation / children / grandchildren) what would that be? What is it about NGS that led you to consider putting us in your estate plans? What would you say to others who are considering making a gift to National Geographic?
B. Sample Letter
C. ABC - Bequests
D. ABC – Gift Annuity
E. Legacy Society Overview
F. CGA Application Form
G. Legacy Society Membership Form
H. Donor Ad
I. Legacy Society Certificate
Thank You! Please feel free to contact us with any questions : JJ van Haelewyn (202) Nicole Engdahl (202)