Recruit, Retain, Reward Presented by: Kimberly Goff
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Welcome and Introductions Volunteer Recruitment Volunteer Retention Volunteer Recognition Reflection and Wrap-up Session Overview
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Volunteer Motivation Why do people volunteer? –They were asked When asked, 71% of people said yes! –An affiliate organization is participating –They have a personal connection to the project or the organization’s mission –They want to develop skills
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Motivational Needs Affiliation –Needs personal interaction, makes friends, likes group projects, wants to be a “good person” Achievement –Needs specific goals, seeks responsibility, works to complete tasks, sees problems as challenges Power –Needs to influence others, can work alone or in a group, responds to needs, keeps an eye on goals
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Recruitment Basics Volunteers give their time only if they are motivated to do so Recruitment is the process of showing people they can do something they already want to do
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT History, Culture, and Cause How do we typically use our volunteers? Can we speak knowledgeably about our mission? Can we clearly articulate to volunteers how their work will contribute to the program’s mission and goals? Is our workplace open and friendly to volunteers? Would we recommend volunteering in our program to close friends and family? Why or why not?
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Determining Volunteer Needs Clarify the work to be done Consider types of volunteers –Long-term –Short-term –Family –Interns –Virtual –Volunteers with disabilities
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Volunteer Position Descriptions Title Purpose Location Key responsibilities Qualifications Time commitment Training/support provided Benefits Volunteer supervisor and contact information
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Activity: Position Descriptions Divide into small groups Work with your small group to identify a potential service project Determine one volunteer role for this project
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Rural Recruitment Challenges Poverty Smaller pool to recruit from Isolation Lack of living wage jobs – 2 job workers Language barriers Low literacy levels Homelessness Lack of transportation Availability of services – inconsistency Availability of funds Independence vs. Sense of Community Informal vs. Formal volunteering Systems of Communication Lack of information regarding volunteering Lack of Leadership Lack of anonymity Longer timeframes to get things done
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Recruitment Strategies Examine the positions to be filled: –Who will be qualified and interested? –Who will be able to meet the time commitment? –Where will you find these people? –What motivates them to serve? –What is the best way to approach them?
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Ways to Recruit Ask people personally Post your opportunity on the Web Strategically post flyers or brochures Partner with corporation, community center, or faith-based group and use their volunteers Utilize local media to spread the word Network with community groups and leaders
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Where to Recruit Volunteers Faith-based groups Military bases Civic Clubs Sororities/fraternities Teachers’ associations Moms’ groups Independent living homes Disability services groups Youth organizations Public transit stations Shopping malls Job counseling centers Schools
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Recruitment Tips Make staff aware of volunteer opportunities Integrate volunteer management skills into staff training Use surveys to find out volunteer interest Use colorful descriptions for volunteer positions that are clear and straightforward
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Before the Project: Motivation Be prompt in your response to phone calls/e- mails Be thorough in your explanation of the volunteer duties Teach volunteers about the issue area, the CSO they will be serving, and the potential impact of the project Use their names often Make sure that all special needs have been addressed and/or met Keep the commitments you make
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT During the Project: Engagement Have a volunteer “check-in” at the project Welcome volunteers Use nametags Encourage interaction with other volunteers Orient and train volunteers Make sure everyone has something to do
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Balancing Personalities Understand volunteers’ personalities so you can utilize them effectively Remember that opposite personalities can complement each other No matter the personality, treat every volunteer with dignity and respect
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Project Closure Clean up Review accomplishments of the day Reflect Invite volunteers to participate in future projects and take action related to the issue
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT After the Project: Reflection Provide volunteers the opportunity to –Think about their service –Share their experiences –Offer feedback for future projects –Provide ideas for future action related to the issue Reflection should be creative Encourage all volunteers to contribute
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Recognizing Volunteers Makes volunteers feel valued and appreciated Can take many forms Should be matched to volunteer –By motivation type (achievement, affiliation, power) –By volunteer type (long-term, short-term)
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Rules for Recognition Recognize... or else Give it frequently, honestly, consistently Use a variety of methods Recognize the person, not the work Give it on a timely basis Give it in an individualized fashion Give it for what you want more of
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Tips and Tools for Recognition Include pictures of volunteers in your communication materials Send a birthday card or Sponsor social events Recognize anniversaries Hold an annual recognition event Give additional responsibilities Enlist them in training staff and other volunteers
S CHEDULING AND R ECRUITMENT Closing For more information about Hands On Georgia, please contact or visit us at