CRITICAL QUESTIONS: How would you describe your Rotary Club? What is exciting about your Rotary Club?
WHAT IS YOUR ROTARY MEETING EXPERIENCE LIKE? Is it fun? Are you constantly recognizing members? Are you offering regular opportunities for members to easily serve?
All that new members see is other new members coming in. The goal is that your club is "the service-club of choice" in your local community. Here's the reality - you are competing for people's valuable time and money. PRESSING THE RESET BUTTON: CREATE A CULTURE OF GROWTH
4-STEP SYSTEM TO ATTRACT QUALITY MEMBERS: Step 1: Step 1: Attract new members. Step 2: Step 2: Focus on retaining existing members. Step 3: Step 3: Implement a program to mentor new members. Step 4: Step 4: Make your Rotary meetings fun, informative and make people feel important!
6 KEYS TO GROWTH: 1. “Membership Minute” talks given by various established members. 2. Ping pong ball drawings for gift card prizes. The balls with sponsor names written on them were drawn from a fish bowl. 3. Frequent reminders and encouragement from the podium about attaining our goal. 4. A specific incentive was offered for members who sponsored three or more new members. 5. Our “Development Team” met monthly to review creative and proactive steps to achieve our membership growth plan. 6. Each board member was specifically challenged to bring in at least one additional member during the year.
4 STEPS TO KEEPING MEMBERS: 1.Review the monthly report of individual attendance. 2. Send a “we missed you” message to individuals missing three or more consecutive meetings. 3. Establish a “Rotary Cares” Coordinator who sends greeting cards to the members on various life concerns such as illnesses, awards, births, family deaths, etc. 4. Send a personal birthday card and wedding anniversary card to every Rotarian; providing a personal touch is critical in letting members know they’re important.