Turning Base Hits into Home Runs! 1
W ELCOME ! Housekeeping Items Introductions - Name, Title, Agency, Years and… 1 Best Practice you currently use 2
G ROUP A CTIVITY It is Thursday, April 30,1990. You just flipped the page on your desk calendar and realized that today is a good friend’s birthday and that you forgot to mail a birthday card. What steps would you take to get a card in the mail to your friend? 3
Today is Thursday, April 30, When you log into FB, you see that it is a good friend’s birthday. What steps will you take to wish your friend a happy birthday? 4
T HE W ORLD IS F LAT BY T HOMAS F RIEDMAN Technology is transforming every aspect of business, life and society. Fundamental shift in the way people do business Constant innovation Constant adjustment Gaining efficiencies = Gaining resources Ask “What is the outcome you want to achieve?” What does the winning team look like? 5
M IGRATION P HASE 1 – A UGUST 2015 New Features: Remaining MA programs will be processed in VaCMS A statewide Document Management Imaging System (DMIS) will be integrated with the VaCMS Central printing of many notices and forms Enhanced Dashboard 6
O VERVIEW Here’s How It Looks Programs Processed in ADAPT (SNAP, TANF) Program Processed in EAP (LIHEAP ) VACMS ( Programs Processed: MA F&C, ABD, LTC, Childcare ) Centralized Printing mails notices to customers DMIS Worker for MA or Child Care or CPU for MA only apps FFM for MA DMIS – MA verifications stored electronically Central Printing - forms and notices printed centrally Enhanced Dashboard – Announcements, Tasks, Reminders, Caseload Statistics
T HE S CORECARD Agency Scorecard – Turning Base Hits into Home Runs The Winning Team Will… 12345Priorities Aggressively Encourage/Support Use of CommonHelp Aggressively Encourage/Support Use of CoverVA Empower Customers to Manage their Cases/Benefits Have Computers and Phones Available for Customer Use Use Volunteers, Community Partners, Work Experience Clients to Assist Schedule Phone Interviews; Reduce/Eliminate Face-to-Face Implement Designated Liaison(s) for Migration Assign ABD-Only& LTC Workers to Process F&C Apps & Renewals 8
T HE W INNING T EAM WILL … Manage by Numbers Educate Customers Train Staff and Supervisors Manage Workloads 9
G ETTING F ROM H ERE TO T HERE You’re in the Batter’s Box-Initial Stage 1 st Base - Procedures Developed 2 nd Base – Integrated 3 rd Base - Managed and Predictable Home Run - Optimized 10
N EXT S TEPS Look at the Best Practices you have checked. Give them a score of 1 – 5. Pick 3 practices you would like to implement or work to improve. *Suggestion Prioritize them. Using the S.M.A.R.T. goal setting technique, work with your team to come up with a plan. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timed-Properly. 11
K EY C HARACTERISTICS OF A S UCCESSFUL LDSS B USINESS M ODEL 1. Visionary & Innovative 2. Customer Centric 3. High-quality Products/Services/Programs that Produce the Best Outcomes 4. Integrated/Coordinated/Independent System 5. Maintains Relationships in a Positive, Helpful Way with Customers 10 12
K EY C HARACTERISTICS OF A S UCCESSFUL LDSS B USINESS M ODEL 6. Maximizes Technology 7. Empowers People 8. Embraces Community Resources as Partners 9. Encourages Creative Funding 10. Measures Performance 10 13
T HANK Y OU ! Questions? 14