Welcome to Gaithersburg High School! A Signature Academy School Incoming Grade 9 Parent Night August 27, 2015
Dr. Christine Handy Principal
Administrative Team Dr. Christine Handy- Principal Ms. Susan Frishman- Assistant Principal Todd Nutter- Assistant Principal Rudy Tyrell - Assistant Principal Karla Lopez- Assistant School Administrator Michael Ridge - Assistant Principal (sub for Ms. Lopez) Kim Curtis – Signature Academy Coordinator
As a team, our focus is student success!
Ms. Carrie Bohrer PTSA President carrieb@newsomseed. com https://youtu
Who will know my student. Who do I contact if there is a problem Who will know my student? Who do I contact if there is a problem? How does the bell schedule work?
Ninth Grade Academy Leadership Administration Ninth Grade Academy Coordinator Dedicated Grade 9 Counselors Team Leaders Classroom Teachers
Grade Level Administrator Mr. Rudy Tyrell – Assistant Principal (Rudolph_J_Tyrelljr@mcpsmd.org)
Mrs. Kim Curtis, MBA Academy Coordinator
Ninth Grade Academy 9th Grade Administrator One team leader for each of four teams Two 9th Grade Counselors Team size 90-150 students Biweekly team meetings using CPS process Shared planning time for team leaders Double period Algebra courses Student Recognition Program Group Interventions
Signature Academies Provide students with an opportunity to take related courses in areas of high interest that may lead to continued academic endeavors or future careers.
Science and Technology Project Lead the Way (PLTW) http://youtu.be/HnYj6-PEolA Research and Experimentation Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences Academy of Information Technology Networking/Hardware Information Resource Design Automotive Technology Automotive Body Repair
Leadership and Education Early Childhood Education Secondary Education Human Rights NJROTC
Business Studies Finance Business Management Cosmetology Entrepreneurship Hospitality Landscape-Nursery Management
Arts and Communication Dance Fine Arts-Visual Fine Arts-Music/Drama Journalism Broadcast Media
GHS Counselors Services Bernadette White– Resource Counselor Bernadette_White@mcpsmd.org Jessica Pollard – 9th Grade Counselor Jessica_B_Pollard@mcpsmd.org Dwayne Thomas – 9th Grade Counselor Dwayne_Thomas@mcpsmd.org Thania Rey– ESOL and RELL Counselor Thania_T_Rey@mcpsmd.org Ms. Martinez ESOL and RELL Counselor Evelyn_Martinez@mcpsmd.org Maria Garcia – Maria_S_Garcia@mcpsmd.org – ESOL and RELL Community Based Counselor Counseling Department 301-284-4600 College and Career Center 301-284-4616
Mrs. Pollard Mr. Thomas Grade 9 Counselors
Our Roles and Responsibilities COUNSE L ING SERV I CES Individual Counseling: Academic Planning Personal/Social Development Classroom Guidance: Bully Prevention College and Career Awareness Course Registration Group Counseling: Peer Interactive Groups for social development Responsive and Preventative Services: Parent/Teacher Conferences Crisis Intervention Domestic Needs Assessment Collaborative Problem Solving: Work close with teachers to develop effective teaching strategies to impact student learning and social development Work with administrators, school psychologists and pupil personnel workers to address student concerns
What Are the Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2019? The State of Maryland authorizes a diploma for all students completing at least 22 units of credit. Final Semester grade of D or better must be earned for credit as follows: Credit Subject 4 English 3 Social Studies (US History, World History, NSL) 3 Science (Biological, Physical, + 1 additional science) 4 Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, + 2 math) 1 Physical Education .5 Health 1 Fine Arts 1 Tech Ed Completer Pathway Options: High School Assessments/PARCC: 2 World Language or Algebra (OYG 2017) 412 PARCC (OYG 2019) TBD 2 Advanced Technology or English 10 (2017) 396 PARCC (OYG 2019) TBD 3–9 Career Development Biology (All) 400 NSL Government (All) 394 +/- 2.5 Other Electives 22 TOTAL Student Service Learning hours: 75 hours
EARNED CREDIT 0.5 CREDIT FOR EACH CLASS PER SEMESTER – must receive a passing grade to earn a credit. You can earn up to 7.0 credits total in 9th Grade.
(22 Credits Required for Graduation)
MCPS Promotion Policy End of: Grade 9 5 1 3 Grade 10 10 2 4 Grade 11 Total Credits Needed for Promotion to Next Grade Mathematics Credits in Required Courses English Credits in Required Courses Science Credits in Required Courses Social Studies Credits in Required Courses Other Credits Grade 9 5 1 3 Grade 10 10 2 4 Grade 11 15
Student Government Association Nilda Keres
How Does the “One Lunch Work?” Lunch Period = (43 minutes) All 2300 students share the same lunch period Purpose: To work with teachers For clubs and activities to meet To eat and decompress
Grading and Accountability What are the differences between middle school grading and high school grading? How do final exams work? How can I access my child's grades? How much homework will my child have on a typical night?
Supports National Honor Society offers Tutoring to all students interested. Late Activity bus Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday’s for students to stay after school to get extra help Show Time: time extended during 4th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays Writing Center, lab 1126 (Offered: every day at lunch, every Tuesday and Thursday at SHOWtime(by sign-ups), and by appointment with the English Comp Assistants George B. Thomas School – Saturdays at GHS http://saturdayschool.org/ Homework Help Line. - Twitter - @AskHHL, 301-279-3234
Discipline and Behavior Cell Phones/ MP3 Players/ electronic devices Internet /Cyber-bullying Dress Code Young Men/Young Women Attendance Issues Absence note within three days Tardies Unexcused travel Securing personal property
Some Things Parents May Wish to Consider Social Media Issues Driving with other students Homecoming Week Activities Lunch time for all 2300 students Using the Health Room when ill BYOD: Yes or No?
Ninth Grade Parent Homework Do not let go of the “reins”. Activate your Parent Edline Account Check Edline regularly, but not too regularly Do not accept “0” or “Z” grades from your student Start becoming familiar with the college readiness process now – AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT, etc. Attend PTSA functions, other school info meetings Bookmark the school’s webpage Follow Dr. Handy on Twitter @Trojanpride101 “SchoolWay” App!
Calendar Highlights 8/31: First Day of School! 9/15: SHOWTime Begins every T & Th 10/2: Quarter 1 Interims Mailed Home 10/10: Homecoming week 11/11: Report Card Distribution
The Wellness Center Services include Advanced Health Services (Physicals, exams, shots etc.) Mental Health Services (depression, suicidal, etc.) After School Youth Groups ( boys group, girls group, Spanish speaking only group, etc.) Case Management services for families. ( child care, clothing, Evictions, food resources, etc.) All of these services are designed to help students reach their full potential. In order to have access to these services all students must sign up for the Wellness Center. Students can obtain a Wellness Center packet through our health center, counseling office or the Wellness Center itself.
QUESTIONS?? Refer to our website at: http://montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/gaithersburghs/ Mr. Rudy Tyrell, 9th Grade Administrator Rudolph_J_TyrellJr@mcpsmd.org 301-284-4500 Ms. Kim Curtis, Academy Coordinator Kim_Curtis@mcpsmd.org 301-284-4500 Counseling Office 301-284-4600 Ninth Grade Team Leaders 301-284-4500