Nurse Prescribing in practice Jenny Aston PGDip BSc DipAsthma RCNT RGN
Grove Surgery - Thetford 6 GPs 16 support staff 1 nurse practitioner/ prescriber 6 nurses
History of Nurse Prescribing in the UK 1986 – Department of Health 1986 – Department of Health 1992 – Medicines Act 1992 – Medicines Act 1994 Amendment + Nurse Prescribers Formulary 1994 Amendment + Nurse Prescribers Formulary 2001 – Other health professionals included 2001 – Other health professionals included 2003 – Supplementary prescribing 2003 – Supplementary prescribing 2006 – Full formulary Nurse Independent Prescriber 2006 – Full formulary Nurse Independent Prescriber
Why did it come about? Nurses more involved in chronic disease management Nurses more involved in chronic disease management Doctors having to shed responsibilities Doctors having to shed responsibilities Many more highly skilled nurses Many more highly skilled nurses Nurses have been doing it anyway Nurses have been doing it anyway More team approach to patient care More team approach to patient care
Types of Prescriber Nurse Prescribers Nurse Prescribers Trained as part of Community Degree for District Nurses/Public Health Nurses Trained as part of Community Degree for District Nurses/Public Health Nurses Nurse Independent Prescribers Nurse Independent Prescribers Formerly Extended Nurse Prescribers Formerly Extended Nurse Prescribers Stand alone degree level training 26 days Stand alone degree level training 26 days
Training Entry requirements Entry requirements Able to study at degree level Able to study at degree level 3 years post registration 3 years post registration Employer willing to support in training, funding and prescribing Employer willing to support in training, funding and prescribing 25 classroom days 25 classroom days Consultation, Ethical & Legal, Pharmacology, Accountability Consultation, Ethical & Legal, Pharmacology, Accountability Teamwork, Psychology, Public Health Teamwork, Psychology, Public Health 12 days learning in practice 12 days learning in practice Exam Exam OSCE OSCE Portfolio Portfolio
Nurse and Pharmacist independent prescribing is a major advance in improving accessibility of medicines to patients. Nurse and Pharmacist independent prescribing is a major advance in improving accessibility of medicines to patients. It will be delivered by highly skilled and well trained staff. It will be delivered by highly skilled and well trained staff. This is good news for patients ands good news for healthcare professionals. This is good news for patients ands good news for healthcare professionals. Patricia Hewitt Patricia Hewitt Health Secretary Health Secretary May 2006 May 2006
Opening up the formulary
The future NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council) – Prescribing Standards NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council) – Prescribing Standards Mandatory CPD Mandatory CPD PGD (Patient Group Direction) training for pre-registration PGD (Patient Group Direction) training for pre-registration Legal cases Legal cases