Make Time to Change. Time to Change challenges negative attitudes and behaviour around mental health Everyone has mental health (in the same way we have.


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Presentation transcript:

Make Time to Change

Time to Change challenges negative attitudes and behaviour around mental health Everyone has mental health (in the same way we have physical health) Sometimes we can feel mentally healthy and other times we might need some help Mental health problems can affect anyone regardless of age, race, religion, income, gender

Removing the stigma from mental health What is stigma? Mental health can be difficult for others to understand Mental health stigma is when we: - single out people with mental health problems - label them as different

Charlotte speaks “I kept my symptoms and my feelings to myself because I was scared of the reactions that other young people would have towards me.”

Don’t be afraid to talk Having mental health problems can be one of the hardest things to talk about… …but talking about mental health can: strengthen friendships aid recovery break down stereotypes take the taboo out of something that affects us all

Eva speaks “Let the friend know that you’re there for them if they want to talk about it. So that they talk about it when they feel ready to.”

Case Studies Let me introduce… Katie and Priya Mitch and Sandeep Alex and friends …and discover some aspects of their lives…

Katie and Priya Message from Katie. Hi Priya, don’t call for me this morning. Temp of 39°! Doctor coming. Katie x Straight after school Priya calls round takes magazine, small gift, all the school news… …and chocolate calls round again at the weekend Katie back to school on Monday

Mitch and Sandeep Mitch: star Year 9 footballer phones Sandeep “I’ve just broken my leg! In A&E right now. Will you come down?” Sandeep gets lift to A&E waits with him for 2 hours signs plaster back at school, he stays by his side

Alex and friends Alex: the life and soul of every party starts staying in a lot loves school - but starts missing days even drops out of her friend’s party (Alex never misses parties) stops watching TV : stays in her room

Alex’s friends At first, Alex’s friends text/call her but… …she doesn’t reply So, soon… friends don’t call round no-one tells her the school news no-one takes magazines round…or chocolate no-one stays by her side in school

Alex’s problems Alex is diagnosed with depression Her friends… drift away stop talking to her don’t ask her to parties don’t even send a birthday card Now, Alex hardly goes anywhere

What did Alex need? Alex seemed to push her friends away… What she needed: her friends to be there for her to hear the school news to talk

Different situations/different reactions Why do we support people who have physical problems better than those with mental health problems? It can be hard to understand problems we can’t see Sometimes we can be afraid of mental health problems We don’t always know how to provide support We might not know what to say and can feel awkward We might be frightened of offending the person, or making things worse for them

Removing the stigma People who experience mental health problems: shouldn’t be excluded deserve your friendship need your support Even small gestures can make a big difference

The Make Time to Change Your Challenge Competition Enter the Make Time to Change Your Challenge Competition Help to remove the stigma from mental health Take your message out into the community and help others to change too Sign the Time to Change pledge Let others see that you are there for people with mental health issues

Ask your teacher for details It’s your turn to Make Time to Change! Great prizes Prizes include: G-Shock watches Monster Beat headphones £1000 prize money for your school £150 John Lewis voucher for your teacher or either

Three of your classmates will experience a mental health problem Think twice before laughing along Make a stand. And help spread the word