1 Student Achievement Plan Workshop Chandler Unified School District CSO B Certified Staff Orientation 2010-2011.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Student Achievement Plan Workshop Chandler Unified School District CSO B Certified Staff Orientation

2 Remote Login.username.yourschool.chandler_usd Questions to consider: 1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how stressed are you about writing the Student Achievement Plan? Why? 2. What is an SAP (Student Achievement Plan)? 3. Who evaluates your Student Achievement Plan? 4. What design does the Student Achievement Plan follow? 5. Do all students need to reach mastery? 6. Where can the Student Achievement Plan forms be obtained?

3 Objectives for Student Achievement Plan Class Clarify information Answer specific questions Reduce anxiety levels Help locate on-line documents Use time efficiently

4 What is a Student Achievement Plan(SAP)? A student achievement plan addresses the needs of all students in a class. Section AClass Information Section BAssessment Section CAnalyze data Section DInstruction

5 Why is a Student Achievement Plan required? CSO is Board Policy Student achievement is the primary objective of of CUSD You receive four points for this class and two points for successfully completing the Student Achievement Plan

6 How does a Student Achievement Plan help my students and me? Increases student achievement Addresses CSO B Evaluation Instrument

7 How do I access the on-line handbook? On the district’s homepage: 1. Click on Departments 2. Click on Instructional Resource Center 3. Use the menu on the left-hand side of the screen to find CSO Information

8 How do I find information about the Student Achievement Plan’s deadlines? On the district’s homepage: 1. Click on Departments 2. Click on Instructional Resource Center 3. Use the menu on the left-hand side of the screen to find CSO Information

9 Resources for Writing the Plan Use CUSD on-line curriculum—teacher access Use on-line CSOB link Use on-line CSOB information Use on-line Instructional checklists

10 Question Quest Use the CSOB on-line handbook to find the answers to these questions (SAP & SAP FAQ): 1. Do students who enter my class after I have given the pre-assessment need to be included in my Student Achievement Plan? 2. What is the minimum number of students who need to be included in my Student Achievement Plan? 3. When is the post-assessment due?

11 How can I access the Student Achievement Plan forms? On the district’s homepage: 1. Click on Departments 2. Click on Instructional Resource Center 3. Click on the CSOB information link. 4. Scroll down the page and click on the name of the form you need

12 Downloading and Saving Forms- Review Open the CSO B SAP Template Go to File and click Save As Type in F: and click enter Go to Users Click on the file with your name

13 On-line Blue Prints & Curriculum From the district website: Click on Curriculum Using the menu on the left, click on Online Curriculum (This information may change with the Schoolwires updates)

14 Choosing a Strand and Concept(s) Take some time to browse through your curriculum for a possible strand and concept(s). You may choose your goal from Quarters 1or 2 of your curriculum (if your curriculum is divided into semesters, you may choose your goal from Semester I). You must choose from Strand 3 for writing. If you choose a Math goal, the process integration (Strand 5) must be included in the pre/post assessments.

15 Break On a sticky note, please respond to one of the following: 1. Any questions 2. Ideas for assessment Please place your sticky on the door when you leave for break … thanks!

16 How Do I Write the SAP? Begin with online pre-instructional planning form and checklist found at the CSO B link…

17 Part A: Pre-Instructional Plan A. Cover Sheet CSO B Teacher

18 A: 2 ALL APPLICANTS 2. Due date of Student Achievement Plan (to principals): September 3, 2010 Look on-line for dates! Clearly indicate that you are CSOB Indicate size of target population (# of students) and content area

19 B: 1 Strand, Concept, & POs Identification of the strand, concept(s), and Performance Objectives PO(s). Performance Objectives must be precisely stated from the on-line curriculum. Simply copy the on-line information and paste the material in this section.

20 Academic Strand and Concept(s) Example 1 - Mathematics Strand 1: Concept 2 Numerical Operations Understand and apply numerical operations and their relationship to one another PO 5. Select the grade level appropriate operation to solve word problems. PO 6. Solve word problems using grade level appropriate operations and numbers. PO 7. Demonstrate the process of multiplication as repeatedly adding the same number, counting by multiples, combining equal sets, and making arrays. PO 8. Demonstrate the process of division with one-digit divisors (Separating elements of a set into smaller equal sets, sharing equally, or repeatedly subtracting the same number). M03-S5C2-03. Select and use one or more strategies to efficiently solve the problem and justify the selection. (3 rd Grade)

21 Grade 6 Reading Blueprint Example

22 Grade 3 Math Blueprint Example

23 Grade 7 Social Studies Blueprint Example

24 PO 5 & 6

25 Choosing the Right Assessment Take a moment to reflect upon which type of assessment might be most appropriate for your academic goal. Selected response Essay Performance Observational Personal communication/interviews Others? Maybe a mix?

26 Evaluating your assessment tool Match your objectives to the assessment—if they don’t fit, don’t use it. Address the entire text of the performance objective as stated; you don’t have to include the all the POs under a concept, however…

27 Writing and Assessment If you have chosen a writing application (business letter, persuasive essay, literary response etc.) as your academic goal and you are assessing your students’ writing composition, you must use the state adopted 6-Traits and choose a goal from strand 3. Only evaluate on three of the six traits. 1. Conventions 2. Ideas/Content OR Organization 3. Word Choice OR Voice OR Sentence Fluency OR Format.

28 B: 2 Identification of the mastery performance level. The mastery level of performance should maintain district standards: a minimum of 75% a score of 3 on a 4 point rubric a score of 4 on a 6 point rubric Each trait on a rubric must be scored individually—no averaging, per AIMS POs should be written by each question

29 B: 3 Identification of appropriate formative (pre-) assessment(s). Include a copy of the pre-assessment or prompt along with the scoring guide and/or answer key for the assessment (these can be the same document). Include strand 5 in assessment for math plans.

30 B: 4 Identification of appropriate summative (post-) assessment(s). Include all the information you did for the pre- assessment and a copy of the post-assessment along with the scoring guide and/or answer key. If pre and post-assessment are the same, state this in B4. You will not need to include a copy of post if it is the same. It is strongly recommended that you use the same pre and post-assessment.

31 C: 1 Summarize the tasks on which the students were assessed. Describe the type of skill or knowledge assessed. Explain what students did for the pre-assessment. Specific length of time used. Use or non-use of supplementary resources or manipulatives. Describes instructions/assistance given. Assessments should be given during one class period It is not appropriate for students to complete the assessment at home

32 C: 2 Provide assessment data (technology- based).  Chart  Table  Graph

33 Student Data – Example 1 Mastery Level

34 Student Data – Example 2 What is missing? World War II Assessment Student Data Student NumberPre-AssessmentPost-AssessmentMastery (Yes/No) 148% 215% 325% 412% 552% 634% 725% 844% 925% 1062% 1129% 1237% 1314% 1425% 1538%

35 Persuasive Essay Mastery is 4 out of 6 on EACH trait Student Conventions PRE Conventions POST Ideas/Content PRE Ideas/Content POST Voice PRE Voice POST Mastery Y/N

36 C: 3 Write a Narrative This should be a written narrative based on the pre-assessment data, describing current student knowledge. This should not be a numerical presentation. What do students know? What do the results of the pre-assessment tell you?

37 C: 4 Conclusions Draw conclusions regarding appropriate instruction that reflect students’ needs. Based on the data, what do students need to learn? Where will you begin instruction?

38 D1: Instruction Provide a description of one activity you will use to teach for each PO listed in B1, up to 5 POs. (Be sure to restate the PO being taught…copy/paste from B1) If math, one activity must address/include strand 5.

39 Using the Pre-Instructional Plan Rubric All readers use the same rubric to evaluate your Pre-Instructional Plan. You can find this rubric under the CSO B. The bullets in the plan template are taken from this rubric. Remember: ALL bullets must be addressed!

40 Post-Instructional Plan Guidelines This document provides a guideline for completing your Post-Instructional Plan. As with the Pre-Instructional Plan, it is important to address ALL bullets. You can find this document in the on-line CSOB Information under CSO B The Post-Instructional Plan is due January 18, 2011.

41 Using the Post-Instructional Plan Rubric All readers use the same rubric to evaluate your Post- Instructional Plan. Remember that the rubric criteria is also found in the CSO B Post-Instructional Plan template. You can find this rubric under CSO B link Look at the Checklist 51% of your students should pass the post- assessment. If not, you will have to explain why in detail. It is appropriate and encouraged that your “post” assess students early and often so that there are no surprises. You can reassess students as often as needed until they achieve mastery

42 Objectives for Student Achievement Plan Class Clarify information Answer specific questions Reduce anxiety levels Help locate on-line documents Use time efficiently Thank you!

43 Post Plan Walk Through Open and save the document Read and add notes to the post Delay send an to yourself to remind you of this…I’ll show you how

44 Top Ten List Working with a partner or in a small group, develop a list of the top 3 things that a CSO B teacher needs to remember about the Student Achievement Plan. Be ready to share out. As a whole group, we will create a “top ten” list for writing a Student Achievement Plan.