Utilizing the School Restructuring Resources Lauren Morando Rhim & Bryan C. Hassel Public Impact For Center on Innovation and Improvement.


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Presentation transcript:

Utilizing the School Restructuring Resources Lauren Morando Rhim & Bryan C. Hassel Public Impact For Center on Innovation and Improvement

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources2 February 14, 2007 Session Overview Center on Innovation and Improvement Tools and Resources School Restructuring Under No Child Left Behind-What Works When? A Guide for Educational Leaders

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources3 February 14, 2007 Tools and Material Resources Key Question  What tools and material resources are available to assist schools restructure? Center on Innovation and Improvement  Database of state policies and practices  School Restructuring Handbook (2007) School Restructuring Under No Child Left Behind: What Works When? A Guide for Educational Leaders (2006)

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources4 February 14, 2007 CII Restructuring Tools and Resources Database of school improvement efforts  Users can designate one state, a group of states, or all states and generate report on the policies, programs, and progress regarding School Improvement, Restructuring, and Supplemental Educational Services for each state selected. Reports include links to state websites and contact information://  URLs in reports are active  Username and password = rcc Restructuring Handbook  Summarizes current research and outlining recommendations for restructuring  Provides checklists to assist SEAs and LEAs implement restructuring

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources5 February 14, 2007 CII Database Reports 1. State Progress Table of data on schools and districts in improvement and schools in restructuring for years in which data are available Bar graph representing the data in the table State assessment data since in reading and mathematics 2. State Policies on School and District Improvement School and District Planning Models or Rubrics State Reporting of Test Performance to Districts, Schools, Public State System of Support for Low-Performing Districts and Schools 3. Links to State Websites and Documents on System of Support for Low-Performing Districts & Schools 4. Westat School Improvement Profiles

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources6 February 14, 2007

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources7 February 14, 2007 Handbook on School Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement (2007) Handbook provides principles for restructuring and substantially improving schools Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, the CII engaged experts on restructuring to prepare chapters for this handbook for Regional Comprehensive Centers’ staff to assist states, districts, and schools establish policies, procedures, and support to assist districts restructure schools

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources8 February 14, 2007 Module 1: District-Wide Framework for Improvement Discusses the importance of district-wide improvement to support the effective implementation of school level best practices Complements lessons culled from cross-industry literature regarding importance of governance changes by a whole district to implement, replicate, and sustain the right restructuring environment

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources9 February 14, 2007 Module 2: The School Board and Central Office in District Improvement Focuses on the role of the local school board and the central office in school restructuring Outlines a set of district practices recommended to help failing schools turn the corner

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources10 February 14, 2007 Module 3: Restructuring Options and Change Processes Examines restructuring options articulated in NCLB, charts the change process, and recommends key resources for practitioners Stresses that developing an intentional and strategic approach as well as governance, planning, and committing to continuous improvement are critical to success

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources11 February 14, 2007 Module 4: Restructuring Through Learning-Focused Leadership Focuses on research related to school leadership issues Identifies key attributes of leaders who concentrate on instruction in order to ensure that all aspects of schooling support student learning

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources12 February 14, 2007 Module 5: Changing and Monitoring Instruction Describes instruction and assessment principles that serve as the core of school restructuring plans Recommends three core principles:  means must be aligned with end goals  resources must be allocated to monitor and focus practice toward the goal of proficiency for all students  parents are critical partners to success and schools should support and improve the “curriculum of the home.”

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources13 February 14, 2007 Module 6: Systems for Improved Teaching and Learning Describes the process of continuous improvement in the restructuring school Urges schools to embrace regular and continual monitoring of progress by teams that are empowered to act Emphasizes the importance of engaging teachers

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources14 February 14, 2007 Module 7: Indicators of Successful Restructuring Integrates information from modules 1-6 and outlines “Principles and Checklists of Success Indicators” Provides 12 detailed checklists related to issues such as:  establishing district conditions for school improvement,  using data to develop an improvement model, and  articulating roles and responsibilities of personnel

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources15 February 14, 2007 Checklists for State Officials Checklist A can serve as tool for state officials to assess district capacity:  Status = Yes  district may have capacity to develop and implement plan independently with minimal support from SEA  Status = No  state will need to take a proactive and engaged approach to support school restructuring Other checklists serve as tools for SEA and LEA personnel to use when developing, implementing, and monitoring restructuring

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources16 February 14, 2007 Sample Assessment Questions: The district includes parent organizations in school reform and restructuring planning and maintains regular communication with them? The district provides schools with technology, training, and support for integrated data collection, reporting, and analysis systems? The district sets district, school, and student subgroup achievement targets? The school board and superintendent present a unified vision for school improvement?

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources17 February 14, 2007 Sample Checklist Questions to Guide Restructuring Efforts The district forms district-level and school-level restructuring teams? The restructuring options chosen reflect the particular strengths and weaknesses of the restructuring school? The restructuring plan includes both changes in governance and a detailed plan for school improvement? The restructuring plan includes research-based, field-proven programs, practices, and models? The change agent (typically the principal) is skilled in motivating staff and the community, communicating clear expectations, and focusing on improved student learning?

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources18 February 14, 2007 School Restructuring Guide for Education Leaders Based on in-depth literature reviews, Guide designed to help leaders choose the best restructuring options for schools identified as in need of improvement Focus is on the 4 “dramatic” options Purpose is to give leaders decision-making process and tools to design a restructuring approach Published by Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement, 2006

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources19 February 14, 2007 Restructuring Guide for Educational Leaders Detailed checklists for process organizers Tools to help assemble district restructuring team Tools to help work with stakeholders Analytic checklists to determine district capacity to undertake options

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources20 February 14, 2007 Restructuring Roadmap Step 1: Take Charge of Change – Big Change Step 2: Choose the Right Changes o Organizing your district team o Assessing your district’s capacity o Deciding whether to invite state takeover of the restructuring process and failing schools o Planning to manage stakeholders o Fine tuning your district team o Planning the analysis and decision process o Prioritizing among schools o Considering turnarounds, chartering and contracting o Making final restructuring decisions across a district (and reconsidering state takeover)

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources21 February 14, 2007 Restructuring Roadmap Step 3: Implement the Plan Step 4: Evaluate, Improve, and Act on Failures After approval: o Setting goals for implementation o Removing implementation roadblocks o Using resources for implementation o Implementing your restructuring plan(s) o Evaluating success – improved enough? o Improving schools ready for incremental change; replicating successes in future decisions o Acting on failures: Back to Step 1 for schools not improved enough to be ready for incremental change

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources22 February 14, 2007 Restructuring Checklists for:  Reopening as a Charter School (p. 47)  Turnarounds With New Leaders And Staff (p. 48)  Contracting with External Providers (p. 49) Capacity Assessments:  Do You Have Turnaround Leaders? (pp )  District Capacity to Support Turnarounds (pp )  District Capacity to Support Chartering / Contracting (pp )  Does Your State Have a Good Charter Law (p. 56)  Should You Charter or Contract (p. 57) Examples of Tools

Center on Innovation and Improvement/ Public Impact: Utilizing School Restructuring Resources23 February 14, 2007 Additional questions: Lauren Morando Rhim Senior Consultant Public Impact (301)